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The face on the roof

Hey, im Archie and I will tell you about the time when my brother and I saw something very strange. Ok, we were in a very small town in the mountains, (in the center of Mexico) my brother and I were returning from playing with our cousins ​​almost at 11:30 p.m. When we were turning a corner almost reaching our grandparents' house, my brother wanted to take a picture of the starry sky but he took a picture of a face, we screamed and ran until we reached the house where we told everyone about it. we tried to recover the image but it was not saved for some reason

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Reply by Actual Acorn


Ooh this is spooky. One time I was up late watching anime and the anime ended and the screen went black and I thoought I saw a face in the screen. And I did see a face, but it was my own face. Though my bones were thoroughly rattled. Maybe that's what happened to you guys.

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Reply by Brucey <3 Yung Gingseng


His phone definitely got haunted

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