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part of a story im working on

Vamp walks on the sidewalk toward the woods at the end of the block. He listens closely to the outside world as he takes a walk throughout the woods to clear his head. As he walks around in the woods he takes a deep breath and smells the fresh air of the woods. He touches the fallen leaves underneath his feet and throws them up and watches them fall back to the ground. As he begins to walk around he decides to take a look around him and at his surroundings. The bare trees are scattered around the forest while the small animals scurry around the forest floor. He hears his heart pick up the pace when he hears a sound in the bushes. A squirrel runs toward an old house. It looks like the house is rotting from the inside out. He walks into the old rickety old house and is hit with a musty smell. As he touches the old house he feels something sticky. As he looks under his hand, Vamp finds that it is just some oak sap. He proceeds to continue to walk around the forest to see if he finds anything cool. During his walk he stumbles upon a piece of paper with the words ‘HE SEES’ scribbled on it. He gets kind of a weird feeling from it but thinks nothing of it. Vamp continues to walk throughout the forest until he realises it's getting dark and that he should return to his apartment. As he is returning he feels like someone is looking at him and starts to walk faster. As he returns to his apartment he quickly locks all of his windows and doors, not taking a chance if anyone or anything follows him. “What was that feeling? Was someone following me why? What did I do to deserve that” Vamp questions himself with a worried tone. “Whatever, I'm probably overthinking it to make myself scared.” He said while walking into the kitchen to make some craft mac cheese. Vamp goes to a cupboard to look for some cat food and shakes it. “Fat Nuggets, where are you?”  Vamp calls out to his cat. A black fat cat comes running out from under the couch. “There you go buddy, enjoy your dinner.” He says while petting Fat Nuggets. Fat Nuggets just meows in response and sneezes. Vamp goes back to cooking his mac cheese. Vamp prepares his mac cheese and goes to his bedroom so that he can eat and watch T.V. As Vamp is eating his food as Fat Nuggets walks into the room and tries to jump onto the bed. “Oh hey buddy you're done already?” Vamp says the Fat Nuggets with a chill voice.      Vamp

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