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tips for new scene/emo kids?

haii so recently i've been wanting to get into scene/emo but idk any good places to start? pls help!! any stores to shop at, tips in general or youtube channels would help sm!! thanx!!

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Reply by hayl(eh)


hey! as a scemo of three years, here's some resources and advice 

1. research: read the wiki pages for the scene and emo subcultures - this helps gain an understanding of the type of culture you're identifying with as well as its history. 

keywords to look up/read: 

- scene subculture

- emo subculture

- wikipedia scene emo

- what is scene/what is an emo

- emo and scene in the 2000s

- history of scene kids/emo kids

- scene and emo music/bands 

as corny as it sounds i recommend wikihow articles too on how to be scene even if you already know how, a lot of the information is valuable and tumblr's scene/emo tag is good too.

2. other scene/emo kids: look for scene and emo videos on tiktok, youtube, etc. year doesn't matter just watch whatever appeals to you. there are so many different types of scene and emo people and there are many ways to be one, the other or both. here's some i like personally (old and new) 

- Bella Boo

- acidmilk 

- Amber Katelyn Beale (AmbrehhhisDead)

- MAD Molly

- ShoelaceyMintyOreosStacey (they don't id as scene but great fashion inspiration)

- Johnnie Guilbert

- Maya Malice 

- Goshku 

- Milo Ari Grace

3. social media and shops:

places you can find other scene and emo kids:

- all the basic social medias

- here in the forums or through mutual friends

- friendproject

- local mall or school


- hot topic (in store in local mall is better but online is fine)

- spencers

- boxlunch

- thrift sites like mercari, ebay, poshmark and depop (keywords are your friend just look up the scene and/or emo item you want)

scene and emo frequented brands that may be of interest in your shopping:

- hello kitty

- domo

- sanrio

- gloomy bear

- babycakes by oymyo

- cartoon network 

- invader zim

- skelanimals

- affliction

- keep a breast 

3. final: you don't have to meet a strict look to be scene and/or emo or listen to the underground bands. just be you :J also, scene culture in the 2000s normalized different values back then, so keep that in mind when looking for new bands and songs. and different types of scene and emo exist, you may want more bimbocore glitter myspace scene instead of happy tree friends pon+zi indie scene. explore explore explore :D

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Reply by dakota 📎


flea markets and thrift stores are your friends

most of the best scene stuff ive gotten was from a flea market!!

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