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Who here TTRPGs?

Posted by argentAegis


Forum: Games

Let's hear it. D&D, Pathfinder, WoD, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, OSR - let's talk about some tabletop RPGs. 

I'm currently running two games (A.C.K.S. and Shadowrun), and participating in 4 (D&D 5e, Genesys, Pathfinder 2e, and Princess the Hopeful). I'm also periodically testing various sorts of indie stuff. 

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3 Replies

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Reply by Nattonna


I play a crapton of GURPS with my wife and my brother.

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Reply by argentAegis


Aww yeahhh, GURPS. 3rd or 4th?

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Reply by CosyTea


I started playing DnD for the first time recently, I'm about ~5 sessions into my campaign so far. My coworker asked if I was interested in it or not and I said I was, so we're doing an Icewind Dale campaign. It's fun so far, I was a bit hesitant that it wouldn't be for me (which is why it took me so long to try it out), but I'm enjoying myself a lot!

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