Topic: A cooler, more complete and actively-being-updated "old web" revival services forum for cool people

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Ginger1234: streetpass still works without needing to download this, im not super sure if i should add this. also the super mario 64 beta was never released, i dont plan on adding stuff that never came out, thank you for sending!

to Nicolas Perez: i dont want to add more roblox stuff then i need to, but if it lets you add mods without needing to readd them every update then sure i'll add it. thanks for sending

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Reply by Ginger1234


weather scan (the weather channel weatherscan)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


didnt know there were multiple weather channel things, thank you for sending! added

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Reply by sxomus


newpipe isn't a 2017 youtube app revival, the theme just looks similar

though, i would like to see if there are any actual 2008-2017 youtube app revivals out there

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Ginger1234: added! thank you for sending!

to sxomus: changed how newpipe was described, thank you for letting me know! also there are a couple ways of getting the actual old apps working again, tubefixer for iOS (3-6) and yt2009 for android (2008-2014, at least)

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Reply by Ginger1234


Lunar (remake of old Instagram API)


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Reply by GRIFFEN


added! thank you for sending!

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Reply by ItsZeke

posted is back!!! they added a recently viewed section & a rating system :D

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added back, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


to Vidyard: spam spam spam Why are you advertising ai stuff?

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Reply by Generic_Dev


Hello, I see that you are trying to make the internet look retro style, I also like retro style and that's why I'm on this social network but my question is, will this slow down the computer or the browser? Because to do all that this needs a lot of extensions and maybe some third-party programs so that can make it slower, please explain, because a few years ago I wanted to make my computer, which is Windows 10, look like Windows 98 because I like retro as I said, and in fact I achieved it with many programs like Classic Shell, but what happened is that my computer is low resources and by installing so many things, so many themes and so many third-party programs, this made the computer extremely slow, so I had to get it back to normal so I'm wondering if so I don't know if doing this, which is very similar to the previous in a browser like Google Chrome due to an overload of extensions (which must have a lot of extensions and maybe some third-party programs), this will cause the browser to slow down or maybe even affect the computer going back to slow.

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Reply by GRIFFEN


as far as i'm aware of most of the stuff on this list wont slow down your computer, userstyles don't seem to slow down websites either but some userscripts do. applications like windowblinds or explorerpatcher can eat up more resources on your computer, but this list is mostly extensions and those dont seem to do anything outside of your browser. thank you for asking!

also if you're worried about your resources being eaten up you probably shouldn't use chrome

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Reply by Generic_Dev


Yes, I don't really use Chrome, I'm writing this from Microsoft Edge.

Thank you for the clarification, the truth is that I had that doubt, because it is a very interesting topic and the truth is that it would be very sad if it did not work on low-income PCs due to the slowness of the machine.

Thanks for replying and thanks for adding me to your friends, you make interesting Forums and blogs, I also made a Forum about Edge being better than Chrome casually in case you want to read it :D

My Forum: Egde is better than Chrome, but no one uses it - Web, HTML, Tech Forum | SpaceHey

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Reply by βαmβαmSησσz


Really appreciate having an extensive list like this available, thanks!

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Reply by terminus


really cool list thanks :) 

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to Vidyard:
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Reply by newlinersseries


Arctic Fox - 2015 Microsoft Edge

Geckium - another old chrome revival:

rinFox - a Internet Explorer 7 & 8 theme for Firefox 115ESR

BeautyFox - a Internet Explorer 9, 10 & 11 theme for Firefox 115ES

Echelon - a Firefox 4, 5-9, 10-13, 14-28, and 29 theme for Firefox 115ESR

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Generic_Dev: Glad you like my forums! By the way, the reason I mentioned Chrome is because Chromium browsers eat up a lot of memory, Edge is also chromium, if your computer is struggling you should switch to Firefox.

to newlinersseries: All of those are already on my other list linked above, besides Arctic Fox and Geckium because they aren't out yet. thank you for sending anyways!

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Reply by newlinersseries


Reply by GRIFFEN


added bwitter back again, thank you for sending

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Reply by newlinersseries

posted Omegle revival 

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Reply by newlinersseries


Sorry, I thought Silverfox was just on this list

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


NexTube (youtube Channel revival for wii)

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Reply by Silverplate


Add cyantube for a youtube 2007 revival:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Ginger1234: added this to the yt2009 list, thank you for sending!

to Silverplate: this isnt 2007 it's 2006, it's also not really well put together so i dont think i'll add this. thank you for sending anyways

to SuperkiBlue: this looks like it's a mix of a couple different old google layouts that have already been remade, also it doesn't work. thank you for sending anyways!

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Reply by Xhepyxl


Here's something new that I found, this is a program called Sploder Launcher which is a revival of a site I used back in 2010-2014 called Sploder.

It was a flash based game making site that was pretty fun back then, but after 2020 killed of flash it became read-only and some time last year the website completely shut down.

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Reply by GRIFFEN


i dont think i've heard of sploder before, sounds cool! wish this github had some screenshots. added, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Xhepyxl


Quick thing I wanted to say, most Twitter stuff on here for the main site don't currently work due to Twitters url finally being perminatley changed to X to fit Elon's (failed) rebrand. OldTwitter specifically had a bug where it would attempt to redirect X to Twitter but would then be auto-redirected to X causing an endless loop that made the addon unusable but it's already been fixed. Though I also found out you need to manually install the addon now in Firefox since it was taken off the addon store, sucks to be me I guess. :/

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey i found this classic Team Fortress 2 Mod Which is Sourcemod that aims to re-imagine the 2008/2009 era of team fortress 2 it looks very interesting and I'm pretty sure going to know that you're not going to add this or something

btw this is what it says in website:

  • Team Fortress 2 Classic is a fan creation and is not affiliated with
    Valve Corporation. TF2 Classic runs separate from your Team Fortress 2
    installation, and cannot directly impact it.

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Reply by newlinersseries


Reply by GRIFFEN


to newlinersseries: that website is effectively read only. thank you for sending anyways!

to Ginger1234: dont really want to add this since it's a reimagining then a remake of old TF2, it is very cool though! thank you for sending!

to Xhepyxl: if any userstyles arent working you can easily change their URLs, the couple things that cant be changed manually are on the list seem to be updated to work with the new URL. this is pretty important to know though, thank you for letting me know!

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Reply by newlinersseries


RetroBook - Facebook revival (on GitHub, taken down for fixes)

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Reply by newlinersseries


RetroBook - Facebook revival (on GitHub, taken down for fixes)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


retrobook source code was put up as a warning because the code was pretty bad, not so that it could actually be hosted. im not adding this, but thanks for sending anyways!

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Reply by Carboniferous



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Reply by benny



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Reply by IPTVman


Reply by GRIFFEN


added! thank you for sending!

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Reply by alice


og 2003 -ish steam skin that actually still works

this is a dope ass list and thank u for adding my discord msn theme :3

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Reply by GRIFFEN


replaced the OG Steam skin and the 2013 Steam skin with the versions from this website. thank you for sending!

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Reply by newlinersseries


Reply by GRIFFEN


wrong list, added it to the other one though

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey GRIFFEN Can you list things that me or anybody else submitted to you and got rejected?

thank you

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Reply by newlinersseries


Reply by barkzeer


2001 wikipedia leads to a page not found, assuming its been taken down

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Reply by IPTVman


barkzeer, just remove from the link

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Reply by newlinersseries



Contains these tweaks:


fixes ssl issues of all media URLS of the alien blue app... 

  VineRedirect  Lets you redirect Vine's API traffic to any endpoint you want.

   MapsX  Fixes iOS6-7 Apple Maps 

  iTunesStoreX  Fix for the "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" iTunes Store (literally podcasts, app store, ibooks store etc) issue that happens when you launch the store.    

TubeRepair  Tweak that lets you connect the Classic YouTube app, and the App Store YouTube app (1.0.0 -> 1.2.1) to any server you want. The backend is public aswell. As a whole available on here  

  Discord Classic  Beautiful client for iOS 5+, it's rich in features and lightweight.  

 EarthX  Fix the Google Earth application on old iOS.  

 StoreLayoutsFix  This tweak fixes most layout issues in the iTunes Store on iOS 6.x 


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Reply by newlinersseries



Contains these tweaks:


fixes ssl issues of all media URLS of the alien blue app... 

  VineRedirect  Lets you redirect Vine's API traffic to any endpoint you want.

   MapsX  Fixes iOS6-7 Apple Maps 

  iTunesStoreX  Fix for the "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" iTunes Store (literally podcasts, app store, ibooks store etc) issue that happens when you launch the store.    

TubeRepair  Tweak that lets you connect the Classic YouTube app, and the App Store YouTube app (1.0.0 -> 1.2.1) to any server you want. The backend is public aswell. As a whole available on here  

  Discord Classic  Beautiful client for iOS 5+, it's rich in features and lightweight.  

 EarthX  Fix the Google Earth application on old iOS.  

 StoreLayoutsFix  This tweak fixes most layout issues in the iTunes Store on iOS 6.x 


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