Topic: A cooler, more complete and actively-being-updated "old web" revival services forum for cool people

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Reply by haydengriz


It’s long gone but here:

It used to be a functional recreation of the old Voiceforge website, (not sure if you’ll add defunct revival websites or not though)

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Reply by Utility


that DSN discord theme is incredible :O

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey can you replace with this is angry birds chrome in html5 on other website because is dead

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Reply by roow51


Please add Novetus and Sodikm++ to the ROBLOX category
They both allow you to play the actual old clients from roblox, i feel like sodikm is more advanced because it has roblox body packages 
(sodikm++ is a mod for the original sodikm and the mod adds cilents like 2016 and more)

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Reply by Ginger1234


Reply by GRIFFEN


sorry for the delay!

i'm not adding more roblox then i need to, so im not adding Sodikim++

im not adding defunct websites, it was probably pretty cool but it also doesnt exist anymore, thank you for sending it anyways!
i'll replace the customtube link with the github page later, thank you for mentioning!

i added everything else, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey why did you not add ytoo

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Reply by GRIFFEN


i didnt? i thought i did. i added it now, thank you for pointing that out!

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Reply by roow51


to host a server for novetus u can use

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added. thank you for sending!

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Reply by DevrimKanneci


Reply by Ginger1234


hey can you remove cn plus (it redirects to error 404) 

and Poisson (it says No Sponsors)

and Bearville Rewritten (because of dmca) 

and Vanilla Island (error SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP) 

and CPTopia (it says Page Not Found)

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Reply by mjdxp


this is an excellent list! nice job :)

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Reply by Ginger1234


StartGoogle (Old Google theme for

OLauncher (old Minecraft launcher)

Angry Birds Fight: Reboot

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thank you for letting me know those sites are down, i removed them. i also added the stuff you sent, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


LEGO Island Decompilation

Garfield+ (Garfield 2004 mod)

I don't know if you accept the decompulation of games but still

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Reply by GRIFFEN


decomps let you play older PC games on modern hardware right? sure, i'll add it.

garfield+ seems to add support for windows 11 and that's the only reason i'm adding it.

thank you for sending!

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Reply by MegaT


Hi! I made FlashThemes, it's actually based on the 2011 layout. We started with the 2010 layout originally during development, but then switched to the 2011 layout as it was just generally less of a pain to work with. Thanks for mentioning the site on this page! btw the link is broken, redirects to a 404 on spacehey

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Reply by Ginger1234


StarTube13 (for V3 Vorapis 2013)

also Snippr is dead it says (Origin is unreachable Error code 523)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to MegaT: thank you for letting me know! i've updated flashthemes with the right year.

to Ginger1234: added StarTube and removed snippr, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


Barbie Girls Rewritten

MyCoke Music Mixer Recreation

also Vanilla Island says This site can’t be reached

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Reply by GRIFFEN


thank you for sending! i dont think i would have ever found the coca cola thing! added all the stuff you sent and removed vanilla island

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Reply by DevrimKanneci


Tampermonkey is a virus

use Violentmonkey instad

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Reply by Ginger1234


to DevrimKanneci

nuh uh

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Reply by Mira


This is really cool.

So does make me wonder is there or are there people who work on an MSN groups kind of revival project?

That is some internet corner I have been missing for years.

I really liked all the creativity with the WYSIWYG html or idk oldschool editors and getting creative in the little limited frame you had.

Backgrounds weren’t really possible, except for when you put up tables in which you could put a nice background picture. I had fun getting creative with that as a teen.

Am now twice as old since those days am really curious how I’d do these days.

Perhaps it is also just nostalgia speaking and not as good as I remember. But it had a charm to it.

I liked that it had some social media aspects. Message boards, people could join. The owners and their mods could add pages fill it with whichever information they wished to share. I do recall a lot copy pasted from other websites. More so when you were a teen not understanding copyright yet (I was probably partially also guilty of that on some fronts). That aside if you wanted extra upload space you had to pay which if you are a teen.. welllllll… so you either way uploaded elsewhere, shamelessly just copied a nice picture from an other site, or made a few extra accounts to upload extra stuff for free until that limit got hit too.

Not sure if there ever was a limit to how many information and what not pages one could add there. I don’t recall ever hitting a limit if there was.

Aside from message boards there where also some forms where people could leave their own little note card to edit themselves, or some list, I recall link pages where people could submit their own too. If it was a bot account often having some one adding in their porn links if management didn’t pay attention, or just didn’t care.

Do think some of the setup would invite well for an online DnD group, I think I’d give a spin to that if I could make a group these days. Teen me did do a bit of roleplay/play pretend characters but I also recall more drama I kind of hope that now in my 30s and perhaps in a group with more mature people , if done well it can be pretty much fun…?

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to Ginger1234: added WiiLink! thank you for sending!

to Mira: i dont think i've heard of any MSN Group revivals, based on how you described it the closest thing to it is spaceheys groups because of the HTML and the message boards, but i dont think that's exactly the same thing. if an MSN group revival thing pops up i'll add it to the list, thank you for telling me about this!

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Reply by Ginger1234


Reply by GRIFFEN


added! thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


OldClash (old clash of clans revival)


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Reply by GRIFFEN


added oldclash, how is tuberepair different from tubefixer? thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


pfire (Emulated XFire server)

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Reply by GRIFFEN


added! thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


xfyre (other Xfire server)

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Reply by Lincoln W.


tubelious got hacked and it's pretty much dead

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Reply by GRIFFEN


never heard of xFire before you sent this, but it looks great, thank you for sending! also removed tubelious, i barely used it but it seemed pretty cool, thank you for letting me know it's dead

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Reply by Ginger1234


hey you forgot about to remove Snippr and can you remove Dynamite Blocks! because it's pretty dead

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed snippr but not dynamite blocks, dynamite blocks is really bad and nobody is playing it but it isnt actually dead yet, there also isnt a better alternative. thank you for letting me know i forgot to remove snippr

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Reply by Ehrow


I would love to see a newgrounds 2013 one :3 amazing work

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Reply by Bottle O' Glue


2001 wikipedia link is broke

it takes you to instead

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Reply by GRIFFEN


that's an issue with spacehey, i dont think there's a way to fix it, just put into your address bar. sorry for the issue!

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Reply by Ginger1234


minisrv WebTV Server revival

so I don't know if you heard of this before or not

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Reply by GRIFFEN


i might have heard of this before, but if i did i forgot. added, thank you for sending!

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Reply by Ginger1234


can you remove Chimera because it says this:

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Reply by GRIFFEN


removed, thank you for letting me know

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Reply by DevrimKanneci


Reply by xx_kazekysxoxo_xx 🍉


skeuocord nd da 2 dtm themez don't wrk anymoar,, ;'(

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Reply by Ginger1234


to DevrimKanneci this website is filled with shitpost videos

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Reply by GRIFFEN


to DevrimKanneci: i dont plan on adding any new youtube revivals to the list, 5 is already too many

to kazekys 🇵🇸: after checking out DTM and Skueocord, i can say they definitely still work. did you install them correctly?

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Reply by Ginger1234
