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complex feelings

do you ever love someone so much to the point you want to hurt them?

i never would hurt him, not intentionally at least. but sometimes its so overwhelming

does this make me a bad person? 

am i bad partner? 

does anyone else have similar feelings?

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Reply by cal<3


no your not a bad person, i’ve felt something like this before.  it might not be in the same context but this doesn’t make you a bad person as long as you don’t actually hurt them, or you have a way to cope. it is difficult though. for me at least, it’s a lingering feeling that gets stronger from time to time

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Reply by Erika


i know this was posted a while ago but im gonna reply anyway.

so the fact that youre questioning it answers that youre not a bad person. 
i personally have bpd and a big part of it is the intense interpersonal/ unstable relationships. when i love someone sometimes i hate that i love them especially when i can point out that my love for them causes me mental anguish. it almost tricks my brain into thinking that i hate them. theyre so good for me that theyre bad. i often let out my frustrations and anger on them and soon after absolutely pour my heart out in profuse apologies.

you should listen to IFHY by Tyler The Creator

(not to say that you have bpd. you can have struggles with intense unstable relationships without having a personality disorder) basically im saying its normal and its good that you are aware of the way that your feeling. 

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