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JoJo's Bizarre Quiz!

Posted by ianishere


Forum: Quiz/Survey

A quiz for fans of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! One question for each part (as of now)!

1. Favorite part?
2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user?
3. Favorite Stand?
4. Read the manga, or anime-only?
5. Favorite Hamon User?
6. Favorite arc?
7. Favorite character overall?
8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for?

My answers are below c:

1. Part 4.
2. Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Funny Valentine, The Oingo Boingo Brothers.
3. Purple Haze. The stand equivalent of, "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit?"
4. I've read all of Stone Ocean, and part of SBR, but not Jojolion. I've seen every episode of the anime tho!
5. Lisa Lisa.
6. Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food!
7. Mikitaka Hazekura. He reminds me of me in the same way the tbh creature does.
8. My stand would be 「KOMM SUSSER TOD」, a stand bound to my voice that makes people hallucinate when a certain phrase is said. Its only combat capability would be for deception, similar to Moody Blues.

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11 Replies

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Reply by Tenshi_00


  2. Joseph/Jolyne, Kakyoin, Kira/Kars, Ghiaccio my love <3
  3. Purple Hazel
  4. Anime only, I read SBR tho.
  5. Joseph
  6. Squadra
  7. Kira & Narancia!
  8. The name would be 'Mr. Blue Sky'. Is a stand that looks like a dog, to be exactly a Shiba Inu. Its habilitys are put persons into a dream, who can I control and do whatever I want. Is a long distance stand, definitely weak in combat, but fast.

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Reply by Akkieஇ


1. Steel Ball Run!! 

2. Giorno/Johnny (can't decide), Bruno, Funny Valentine, Risotto/Prosciutto. 

3. D4C or Heavens Door 

4. Both 

5. Caesarino all the way!! 

6. Made in heaven </3

7. Johnny Joestar/Anasui 

8. Haven't thought about it tbh

1. Favorite part?
2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user?
3. Favorite Stand?
4. Read the manga, or anime-only?
5. Favorite Hamon User?
6. Favorite arc?
7. Favorite character overall?
8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for?

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Reply by matthew


1. Favorite part? my fav part is part 8 I LOVE JOSUKE !!
2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user? fav jojo i josuke 8, gyro, funny valentine, pucci 
3. Favorite Stand? dirty deeds done dirt cheap for sure 
4. Read the manga, or anime-only? both! i read manga and watch the anime 
5. Favorite Hamon User? caesar! 
6. Favorite arc? last arc of part 6 
7. Favorite character overall? Rohan but i love love love josuke 8 
8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for? not sure tbh but it would be cool to have it named unforgiven iii- metallica 

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Reply by santanaa


1. Favorite part?  def part 4, everything is silly and goofy until it isn't 

2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user? fav jojo is josuke, my favorite villan would probs be diavolo, he's always been super cool to me ;P my favorite enemy stand user is cioccolatta.. 

3. Favorite Stand? my favorite stand is GER. it looks badass, and i like that

4. Read the manga, or anime-only? read it. beat my friend who introduced me to jojo too.

5. Favorite Hamon User? joseph. he's silly i love him.

6. Favorite arc? my favorite arc would prob the chase for red hot chili pepper 

7. Favorite character overall? santana. rai is up there, but santana. sounds strange, but i could go an on abt him.

8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for? if i had a stand, it would be a long range stand that's ability is to mess with a person's hearing. name would be cloneiad..

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Reply by c0smic~k0lfang


1. Favorite part?
2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user?
3. Favorite Stand?
4. Read the manga, or anime-only?
5. Favorite Hamon User?
6. Favorite arc?
7. Favorite character overall?
8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for?

1) Steel Ball Run no contest

2) Joseph. Gyro. Kira. Dan of Steele (makes me laugh every time in the dub)...


4) i do read the manga

5) Caeser

6) hunt for kira arc Diamond is Unbreakable 

7) Gyro i love him

8) Stand... idk prolly Everlong, something weird and creepy looking at lets me make endless tunnels, or walk ways (kinda like the alley in part 4)

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Reply by just like bart


1. 5! Love me some crime stuff.
2. Jolyne, Hermes, Funny Valentine, Risotto
3. All Along Watchtower
4. Im that kind of person, so of course manga
5. Lisa Lisa
6. I dont remember exact name, but Trish against Notorious B.I.G.
7. Cannolo Murolo, my beloved...
8. I think it would be something like Magic 8 ball that gives tips kinda like Paisley Park... Idk about name tho...

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Reply by LaurenBacall


If you like puzzles, then connect dots is the puzzle game for you and roller baller is a game of leading the ball in space you can play.

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Reply by xenon


1. Favorite part?
2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user?
Josuke, Kakyoin, idk, idk
3. Favorite Stand?
Y'know that guy that had a girl face as his stand power in part 3? That one
4. Read the manga, or anime-only?
Read part 6 before it was animefied and lost my place in part 7
5. Favorite Hamon User?
6. Favorite arc?
I haven't watched/read it in a while so idk
7. Favorite character overall?
8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for?
Uhhh idk. It'd probably be something stupid like that thing that was on Rohan's back in part 4. If not, then probably something that would be too powerful for me and someone would have to go kill Dio to save me. My favourite song is Secrets For Nicotine by Sheryl Chan so probably that

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Reply by Yuchun!


1. Favorite part?

Easily jojolion, except the ending, blows major ass
2. Favorite JoJo? JoBro? Villain? Enemy Stand user?

Josuke, Mamezuku, Tooru, Jobin
3. Favorite Stand?

Speed King
4. Read the manga, or anime-only?

Manga because I actually know how to fucking read
5. Favorite Hamon User?

6. Favorite arc?

The fruit mafia arc since it was so good people thought jojolion ended in 2016.
7. Favorite character overall?

Josuke, and I mean the sailor with the four balls, easily the most three dimensional next to Johnny. Really the series got more mature when it switched publishers.
8. If you had a stand, what would it be? Its abilities? The song it's named for?

This one is like picking your own theme song, which I frankly find dumb....until Tooru confirmed they all basically just choose the name due to tracks they listen to, so I'll just- uhh, Scary Kid, sure :\

Everyone wants a robot humanoid stand, object stands are underrated. Just, a keyboard which can create anything you type, literally fucking anything. Limit? you can only summon things in front of you, if the keyboard loses keys you are unable to speak those letters in your language, and if the keyboard breaks you just straight up die...I like that, ngl, probably a good idea for something else entirely.

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Reply by CiLAN


1. Part 4 !
2. Josuke, BRUNO, Kira, this one is hard I’ll go w my boy Secco :3
4. Skimmed the manga … need to properly read but it’s so long !!
6. Unsure … I thought everything w La Squandra was so exciting though
8. My stand wld definitely be hot pink and neon green … I am not creative enough to think of any abilities but it wld be named Careless Knight frm my favorite song Беспечный рыцарь тьмы !

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Reply by apollo‽!


1. unsure, i love all of them a bunch. i haven't gone past part 4 yet, so anything before part 5 i suppose.
2. this is a tricky one... i love all the jojos equally, i love all the jobros (especially kakyoin and caesar), dio i guess?, unsure who my favourite enemy stand user is but hol horse and the oingo boingo brothers are certainly up there.
3. oh i have absolutely no idea i love all of them
4. anime-only at the moment, i plan to read the manga after i watch all of the anime.
5. lisa lisa, joseph, and caesar!
6. unsure, i don't remember many ;0;
7. caesar, kakyoin, part 3 jotaro and part 2 joseph :]
8. no clue, but i'd love it to be named after a vocaloid or red vox song.

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