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Posted by rocker24


Forum: Teen chat Group

I'm starting out in a few days, and I need advice!!! How should I make friends? Are there a lot of parties? Should I be studying all the time? As I start to get closer to school starting.. I get more nervous!! 

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Reply by pascal


hi! im a senior and i cant speak for every school but here's my own opinion! there are parties but its not really like the stuff in movies its usually more low-key (but i have heard of some crazy shit going down, i've just personally never seen it)! I say study if you feel uncertain or didn't understand the homework, but the main advice there is to just DO THE HOMEWORK! there are so many times where i've just copied down answers and then didn't know what i was doing and then did bad. homework isn't fun but we do have it for a reason. plus getting zeroes on easy assignments like homework brings your grade down so much and makes it really hard to get it up again. but as long as you stay more or less on top of it, you should do great!

it can be scary, but remember that probably every other freshman is just as nervous as you, and you'll totally make friends. middle school was so much worse for me and pretty much everyone i know, so at least it's most likely going to go up from there.

good luck!!!!!

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Reply by Shay 🤍



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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


As a junior, there aren't really many parties and the ones the school does host are pretty lame unless you can find someone to talk to 1 on 1 for a few hours (as I learned the hard way on Saturday, 10/15/2022 at my school's homecoming dance).

Also, you're gonna get a lot of homework and classwork, so I'd encourage you to not be a procrastinator like me and just get it done before you relax.

It's not the way movies portray it as, but if you have a good friend group, then make the most out of the next 4 years of your life.

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Reply by ismael


Get a lot of friends!!!! really, high school sucks but it gets better with friends

I personally haven't go to a party lolo xD. My friends are, like, reeeeally chill so they don't like partying or hanging out like that. But it still can be cool!!

and yes STUDY a lot and DO. YOUR. HOMEWORK!!!!!! Don't be like me xD

I hope you enjoy :3!!!!!!!!

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Reply by Shu˚✧


Tbh! You should make a up beat high-school playlist from high-school shows you watch in the past or thinking about watching! Trust me it makes you feel like your in an actual show and you could def get through high-school easier, For making friends you HAVE to step out your comfort zone. If you just sit and wait for friends to come to you..well you will most likely will be a tad lonely. So you should make small talk with other classmates that you think you would get along with :) But that's from my experience ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎

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Reply by ‎‧₊˚✧ Sunray ✧˚₊‧


In my experience it's just middle school but.. more. Though this could be due to certain circumstances that only exist in my district/life.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


Also, high school is basically a reflection of the real world (this is something I've especially noticed as a current senior graduating this June). I guess Bowling For Soup was right in their 2006 song "High School Never Ends".

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Reply by G0J


My personal advice is to study. It will save you a ton of hassle in the future, and for social life, I'd suggest hanging out with your friend group or something. Still, make new friends if you're going to a new school and good luck! :D

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