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Posted by ★ SCRAZ ★


Forum: Music

PUP and Charly Bliss are two of my all time favourite artists, and two of the best bands in the bubblegrunge genre imo! 

I've listened to so many other bubblegrunge artists trying to find bands that were on par with them, but i legitimately cannot find any! I think it's because both Eva Hendricks and Stefan Babcock have such distinct voices and a certain vibe of music that just can't be topped.

Maybe i just like high pitched voices, weird and creative lyricism and the type of guitar playing they use (listen to Matilda by PUP for the bubbly guitar song i'm on about) but i can't imagine finding a band that's better of even just as good as PUP or Charly Bliss!

(seriously though - "I laughed when your dog died, it is cruel but it's true... does he love me most now that his dog is toast", "I bounced so high i peed the trampoline", "bleeding out in a snowcone", "I am pregnant with meaning", "I watch her like it's softcore porn" ... Charly Bliss is the GOAT of lyrics ♡)

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Reply by Eryn (Kitsch Mama Obscura)


I know of actual Grunge like Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Lunachicks, that sorta thing. But I have never heard of Bubblegrunge. Is that like Grunge mixed with Bubblegum Pop?

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Reply by ★ SCRAZ ★


yes! it's a genre that stemmed from grunge but with a popier and more upbeat sound! i'm not that knowledgeable on actual grunge music but from what i know they do have some similarities, just bubblegrunge is more pop and bright, "bubblegum" :)

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