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How to add gifs/images/blinkies ?

Posted by ☆Lucky☆


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I need help with adding a gif to my profile. I've found some code but it won't work. Is there a specific place I need to put it, and if so where? Also what code should I use for the image/gif?

Update: Figured out how to do it! Just add <div> <omg src="-insert url here"/>< > </div>
Just put it in one of the boxes you want. Found this out thanks 2 badhigh on a similar forum topic/thread (idk what 2 call it)
I got my gif off Glitter-graphics.com 

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Reply by Bad 6ar6bie


what website did you use to host your gif?? i'm using imgur and it keeps showing up as broken :(

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Reply by ☆Lucky☆


@Bad 6arbie I don't host my own but you could use Pinterest or Tumblr maybe? sry idrk 

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Reply by Bad 6ar6bie


YASSS! It worked!!!! Thank you so much for posting this. I ended up using giphy as a host...uploading old Doll Palace gifs <3

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