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Does any1 know good emo/scene hairstyles 4 curly hair???

Posted by b✭a


Forum: sc3mo k1dz!! Group

whenever i look some up its always wavy hair but i have actual curly hair and its hard 2 look the way i want cause most emo hair is straight and i dont want to ruin my hair its already dead from bleaching and dyeing 3x.. i have like 3c/4a hair plz help :c does any1 else have this problem??

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Reply by xXCharlie_the_CorpseXx


ZOMG ANOTHER CURLY HAIRED SCEMO IM SO HAPPI XD !!!!!!!!!!!! mi curl type is 3b (ig) nd ive never seen any other curly scemo here !!! sadly ive never seen any decent curly emo hair inspo so its just us :(((

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Reply by newt


you can brush it out so its all fluffy and wear it in pigtails with clips n stuff!! maybe some bunz with colorful scrunchiez??? 

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Reply by newt


you can brush it out so its all fluffy and wear it in pigtails with clips n stuff!! maybe some bunz with colorful scrunchiez??? 

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