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Advice For A New Band

Posted by Gay_Ghost


Forum: Music

Me and my friends are trying to start a band. We all have music experience from being in our school's band program, but that is obviously a very very different genre than the emo or alt rock music we want to play. Plus all of us are learning new instruments just for this.

Do you have any tips on-

-Finding new members
-Writing Music
-Getting Out there

Or really anything related to this.

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Reply by wavvves


here are some tips that might be helpful:

- write literally anything. that way, you have something to build and add ideas onto
- dont get discouraged, not all of yr lyrics have to be perfect masterpieces
- not everyone will like yr music (you can be the sweetest peach but some people dont like peaches)
- avoid pay-to-play gigs (you pay the venue owner to perform there)
- head to yr local open mic nights so you can get yrself out there, hopefully make friends with people that have the same interests as you and make connections
- use facebook, kijiji, craigslist, etc. to find new members
- most importantly, have fun with it! :)))

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