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First, I want to thank you guys for sticking with me, especially in the beginning of this confusing and hectic semester!

I know I've said this before, but I wanted to reiterate: I originally planned to be a sub this year, but I'm your teacher until the role is filled by somebody else. I am still trying to gain access to several things like schoology, python, and other school essentials. 
I was thinking long and hard about what would be fun or creative or interesting for you this semester. I originally planned to have you write an essay or do a presentation on the rise and fall of Myspace, and the coding legacy it left behind. Instead, since I don't have access to schoology/my courses, yet, I figured we could use this instead, since it incorporates old elements of myspace, from my younger and more creative coding days, and it has all of the group aspects I need like bulletins and forums. 
So, there's the classroom aspect to this group, and then there's the practical application of building your profile, and coding it the way you envision!

We're going to have some rules, since this is just an experimental leap of faith for me:

1. Only befriend those in your class, those who you KNOW in real life.
2. Profiles stay private, do not read or reply to messages from strangers, just block them outright.
3. Do not bully anybody, friend or stranger, or you will get a zero for the rest of the semester.
4. Take this seriously!

I'm eager to navigate this with all of you, and I'm very happy you're on this adventure with me!

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