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Personal Paranormal Experiences

What I am going to talk about today is the earliest I can remember of paranormal events happening to me. This is one of the only stories of paranormal experiences that is not hard to talk about for me. I can't say if seeing this triggered a chain of scary events or gifted me a power to experience this stuff or made me a haunted person. I can say however is that this is the probably the beginning of a journey that you will hear more about, and I will probably experience new events in the future.

For context, I was around sippy cup and toddler diaper/pull ups age. That is how early in my life I experienced this! This is also a very short story and it probably has a reasonable explanation and I am not thinking hard enough but the story still unsettles me.

I was sleeping in my bed and the only light was the moon between the curtains on my window that made a perfect line across the floor and to my bed. I had my favorite Cinderella sippy cup full of warm milk by my side and as I threw a stuffed bear off my bed I accidentally threw my sippy cup on the floor as well. I was too scared to reach down and grab it so I stared at it wishing I had powers to move it back up to me without touching it. Just imagine me peeking over my bed just my short hair hanging down and green eyes. The sippy cup fell perfectly on the line of moonlight across my floor too. I can't remember how long I was staring at it. The moonlight shifted over eventually and I saw a hand. A human kind of hand with opposable thumbs. Except the fingers pointed into a claw like shape. It slowly came from under my bed and grabbed the sippy cup and dragged it back under the bed. My sippy cup did not roll at all when it was grabbed either so it wasn't pushed or anything. I scared me so I hid under my blanket and fell asleep. The next morning I check under my bed and my sippy cup is gone. I tell my mother about it and she tells me she was the one that grabbed it. I asked her what she was doing under my bed and she looks at me weird. She probably thought I was being a toddler and trying to scare her so she ignores me. I never saw the sippy cup again either. 

So yeah kiddos, count your sippy cups! Do you have any logical explanation for what may have happened or is it totally unexplainable to you? Also feel free to tell me of your "Monster under the bed" stories so I don't feel so alone! I also posted this on my blog so if you want to hear more of my experiences feel free to check out my blog every once n a while

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Reply by Lynn_2005


I dont have a singular unique life story do i literally happened to me in the closet when i was playing hide and seek . i was hiding in the closet lights off bc i was not trying to be found nd when they started opening my door ( the other children ) i dropped my sippy cup for it to be grabbed and dragged into the cloths bruh like what yall want w milk 

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