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If we mess up is god coming with us?

Ok I know you think the title is weird but just bear with me.

If earth goes to shit and suddenly we have to go to mars is god coming with us? Casue like he rules over heaven and earth..thats not mars.

If he isn't coming with us will we all just have to agree to find new gods? like norse or greek or hindu?

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Reply by Actual Acorn


Mars is technically a part of the heavens

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Reply by ★ zhuva ★


1. Which god are you talking about?

2. If we assume that you're talking about Christian God, then didn't he create the whole world? Including space??? 

Also your question implies that god is on earth. God isn't tho (as far as I know). And by that I don't mean he's on some other planet or anything, but I mean that he's just there existing.

Also 3. In "Heaven and earth", we can understand earth as a place humans live in/on. So if we go to Mars, he'll "be there" too.

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