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vast error

anyone here read vast error? is my all time favorite mspfa

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Reply by Durandal


yep, I've read vast error, not yet to the most recent update, but very very close. i think it has a lot of positive stuff going for it, Love the art and animation of course, no other MSPFA has that level of art team working on it. theres some others I like the art for more but its up to taste.

Personally I like the characters and when the story is focused on the main cast I really like it but I'm not very interested in the background details and worldbuilding, frankly i wish they would just focus on the main cast, at least in the comic itself. it has enough extra content that I think all of that extra stuff should just stay seperate, because it really hurts the pacing.

still I'm reading it and excited to see what will come next, especially with arkjec and taz

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Reply by Deacon


i tried reading it but it wasn't my bag

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Reply by ✞.Lacrimosa.✞


I tried to read it but I found vast error to be unpleasant to me. 

I'll admit it the characters have amazing designs and their personalities are also charming. The art and music is beautiful. 

But some stuff made it unreadable to me like the whole bonding plot line it got going on. It's terrible for it has a lot of sexual implications and the characters are teens (about 17). For example Murrit and Dismas have been "bonded" as kismesis for a couple years, the message is clear they were about 13 or 14 in human years. This plot point makes a story that could be interesting feel like a abo au and that was what made me drop vast error for good. 

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