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What comics are you reading?

Posted by Deacon


Forum: Books and Stories

Pretty much what it says on the tin! It could be a webcomic, a newspaper strip, a YA graphic novel, or even a cape book! Just tell us what you're reading and what you think of it so far.

I'll start; I've been reading Zeb Wells' and JRJR's new run on Amazing Spider-Man! So far I'm enjoying Wells' characterization of Peter (and great use of his supporting cast), and JRJR's art is as good as ever. It's always nice to see an artist with a classic touch on a mainline book like this. Sometimes I long for a house style!

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Reply by nightzombie


I've been reading some Batman comics recently. My friend has a bunch, so I'm borrowing them. I've enjoyed the Hush comics the most! I don't completely think this is what you're looking for, but I felt like sharing :)

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Reply by weirdhouseplant


I'm slowly making my way through Watchmen rn and reading webtoons in between for smth lighter. I'm most invested in Suitor Armor on webtoon rn (two comics that couldn't be more different)

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