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Soulbonding Thread

It wouldn't be an early internet revival without it so let's get down, any other soulbonders in this group?

For those unaware, soulbonding is where you experience some form fictional pretense in your mind, normally experienced by writers but can be experienced by anyone, and this is also where they term fictive originated. It's normally more spiritual-focused 

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Reply by Maddy



We'll actually im one of the soulbonds themselves meww :3

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Reply by Fairy tea


Hey! I'm a soul bonder :3 

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Reply by Charlie&Wolfie


I want to try soulbonding! I might actually be a soulbond myself depending on how you define it :3

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Reply by Orange Solace


A lot of our members either form through traumatic means or soul-bonding if not both! Our headspace favors headmates we understand in a very specific way. We usually even have a specific sensation for these kinds of splits or formations! It's a sensation in our mind and chest that happens simutaneiously, followed by days of said new soul-bond fronting alongside our front-stuck Main.

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