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Voice Over/ Voice-Acting

I really want to go into voice over but I dont really know where to start

ive done some research but I still feel like im ending up at blanks. if you have any resources, advice, or tips, LMKKKKKKKKKKKKK 

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Reply by mumbojayjumbo


Posting on TikTok and doing voiceovers is a good start. I did the same for acting kind of and I've gotten comfortable with it even tho people find it cringe. It's great practice regardless 

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Reply by trenchfry


I personally haven't done much voice acting either, but I've looked into it and done a lot of research. There's this website called Casting Call Club, which is where a whole lot of beginning voice actors go to look for roles. There are literally thousands of creators out there with projects that need voice work, and a good percentage of them don't care if you're a beginner or not. Only some would actually pay you, but it's a great place to gain experience. They even have occasional sales on online classes!

One thing most people would require is good sound quality. When I was considering this line of work, I just used my phone mic in a room where the sound is well-isolated and won't echo. Then I just used a sound editing app (think Garageband) to eliminate the background noise and it sounded alright enough to audition into someone's Minecraft roleplay series. I got a mic as a Christmas gift and it's rather pricey for someone just starting, so if you don't want to spend any money, just invest your time into lower quality projects to begin with.

Also, make sure to audition for a lot of roles. You might only get a small percentage of those roles since there's a lot of other voice actors looking for work, but as long as you keep moving on, there's no reason to be discouraged! I believe in you!

This is coming from a fellow novice, so it's probably not the best advice out there, but it's a way to get into it without spending tons of money. 

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