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Do you think arcades should make a comeback

Posted by SceneQween


Forum: Games

So about 6 months ago me and my friends wanted something to do, we tried going bowling but for some reason they were closed, yes we checked the hours, we used to have a skating rink but they closed down and is now used as storage, it was the best hangout spot. but we dont have any arcades near us, there is an old building that is a daycare but every company couldn't keep up with it, could be a great arcade spot. do you think people should have arcades again?

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Reply by irl sparkle bug


i wish we had more arcades around here, they look like so much fun! the closest we have are a few game stores which have arcade machines they let you play but they don't have a lot

it would be so cool of arcades made a comeback!

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Reply by BudderPecan


As much as I would love that, there is unfortunately too much land in my country to place very many outside of gargantuan cities. 

However I am lucky enough to live an hour away from an retro arcade run by a collector. It's mostly old games, but it's really cool.

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