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Here's some short poetry things that I've written :)

Whatever happened to the young lovers?

The one that ran and the one that got bruised.

Whatever happened to the young young lovers?
Who used to stay up to watch the moon?


Twiddle dee twiddle dumb, baby don't you have a gun? They're on our trails now, so we better better run.

If you're not going to try, then you might as well just die.


The stars in my room 
shine so bright.
It makes me wonder
whether tonight is the night.


Having Entomophobia:

My mind is screaming and throwing fits. 
My body is paralyzed to where I sit.

I feel them crawling under my skin.
I want to scrub them out, until my flesh 
floats down the drain; along with my tears and my fears.

I eat, and it feels wrong. I eat, and I feel I've given them the passage to my soul.
Where they will eat it out until it is raw and gold.

I mark the calendar for the nights I loose
sleep because these monsters are eating
my body from the inside out.
A year goes by with no sleep. Then another. And another.

My stomach is filled with fluttering butterflies. But the butterflies aren't a good sign.
These monsters are eating me from the inside out.

I scratch and scratch at my skin; until it is raw and golden. 
Though, the scratching and pulling does no good. The monsters
are still in me, and I can't get them out.

Cause my mind is screaming and throwing fits. 
And my body is paralyzed to where I sit.


The Universe:

The universe sends us messages
showing images or signs for things
we need to let go.

It sends us messages in the clouds.
The clouds bring us images things we must
let go, and then the clouds float away from our souls.

When I was younger, I swore I saw a cloud
shaped as my father's face.
That was shortly after my father left us.

Now, I'm looking at clouds shaped like birds.
One, with its wings facing the Earth. 
The other, with its winds facing the sky.

Indicating that my theory was right.

The universe sends us messages through the sky.


I am a different person for every single person I meet. Each morning, I look in the mirror, and I choose which mask I'll use today. Will I ever learn that I don't need these masks? Will I ever learn to except that not everyone I love will stay? Will I ever be happy with my thoughts, dreams, friends, true personality? Will I ever be happy with myself? No, not that person, the real me. The one that's been trapped in her mind since she was three years old. The one who prefers to eat in silence, the one who prefers to stay quiet to listen, the one who loves music but had no body to share with, the one who loves reading but has no motivation to read, the one who try's really hard in school but stills fail; her mind and body being at fault, the one who wants to go on museum dates with her friends and family, the one who's scared of what lies in the dark but also finds a chilling comfort in the darkness, the one who saves her money for things she finds more important, the one who prefers freezing than melting, the one who loves the idea of death, no she's not suicidal, she actually loves living life, the one that love looking into deep brown eyes, because when she looks in brown eyes, her mind falls silent, the one who wants to have long nails but her anxiety prevents that, the one who is depressed and she knows it. I'm so exhausted. I'm tired of pretending to be happy, I'm tired of putting on masks. I want people to know the real me; the depressed girl that loves living, the on that falls in love with people through their personalities, etc. I don't want to keep wearing my happy, loud, fun girl personality mask. I want to break that wall down. I want to curl up in a corner and just fall asleep. I want to be able to tell my friends and family that I'm exhausted and that I want to be alone today, without making them feel pity/guilt for me. I want to be me. Not her, she's really annoying. I want to be me, the true me.


Oki!! Those are just some things I've written in the past year. 

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3 Replies

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Reply by Misaki


¡Muy buenos! Me gusta mucho la escritura que incluya una forma vacía y melancólica de las cosas uwu

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Reply by 🍓🍮✮𝕰𝖛𝖆𝖓✮🧃🍰


Wowww...Me gusto mucho! Especialmente el que dice "El universo" (∩´∀`∩)💕

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Reply by Milcahen


That's great. I like yours. I am working and playing in stumble guys online

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