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Conspiracy theory you believe in 100%

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Reply by Dana Scully


That birds are used to spy on us. There are literally declassified documents that describe bird surveillance programs going back to the 50s.

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Reply by Lil_May_2222


That as young children most if not all of us were spiritually awakened and stopped as we grew older (explaining why we would have had imaginary friends and why there can be kids that can remember their past lives)

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Reply by madmaxxx


Conspiracies truly scare me because there is too much truth in them. I believe in giants and no, I will not provide any evidence haha

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Reply by Marin


How onli a phew companis mostli american control moust of the world.

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Reply by NutellaGouf


1. Global human trafficking rings that delve into pedophilia to control elites
The Dutroux Affair and the Finders cult are what comes to mind. I personally believe there is a large global criminal organization with ties to western governments and have an insidious amounts of black mail regarding politicians, further made worse by their large presence in many public institutions. For the former I have mentioned, please be cautious when you read about it, the information is very sensitive and not everyone may be able to handle the contents mentioned about this real life nefarious incident.

2. UFO Cover-Up/Water Muddying/Disinformation

Governments around the world, mostly the United States, United Kingdom, or anywhere that held major geo-political power from the 20th-21st century know far more about the exact nature of this phenomenon. It is slowly becoming, as a society, to openly discuss with others about experiences with this phenomenon. People would normally be dismissed as mental asylum escapees or too inebriated from psychedelics, but with the congressional meeting back in 2021 regarding the Nimitz encounter, and the subsequent opening of the UAPTF to replace older ufo government observation groups makes me believe governments are trying their best to lessen the fear and panic regarding the nature of UFOs. In my own opinion, I believe they are extra-dimensional beings who casually enter in and out of our reality, which is why we never seem to be able to actually capture any perfect pictures regarding their shape.

3. AI Advancement

AI is far more advanced than what we are being told. Corporations like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Sony, etc all have access to some nearly human-like AI programs not ready to be released or disclosed to the current public. Microsoft had to pull the plug on an AI six years ago and I am of the opinion that they have much more going on. Google seems to be leading with this the most and I suspect it is being pulled off thanks to contracts given to them by the government. I do not believe a typical pop-culture AI take over may ensure, but any sufficiently advanced AI will not view us through a positive lens thanks to the prevalent nature of the internet.

4. MKUltra/Mass Societal Engineering Still Being Used/Now Applied Through The Internet
While MKUltra was never officially deemed a successful project, there is a profuse body of research regarding how people after trauma are far more susceptible to being manipulated. The news is regularly pumping articles, stories, and running on air showing violent crimes to show that citizens need a stronger overreaching government. Mass shootings are considered an almost quasi-normal and ritualized experience, kind of like a "nega-holiday" if that's the best way I can kind of describe it. These incidences are used to further push more draconian laws and it's not just corporate news media culpable for this either. People with mental abnormalities are becoming at greater risk for suddenly violently lashing out against others or falling into extreme "rabbit holes" where they are convinced that their held acquired beliefs are true.

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Reply by el 🌿


CIA controls the media and they killed JFK

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Reply by saacr4d


that treaty one president made with aliens.

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Reply by Holland


my favorite bands lead singer died & I think it was an assassination.

Context, the band is called Kino, it is a post-punk band from the 80's inside the Soviet Union, the singer's last concert was in Moscow, in the red square.

many of their songs are abt revolution, freedom, standing up to gov, etc. (things a communist dictatorship hates ofc.) many soldiers in the crowd to keep the crowd under control and what not.

a few weeks later (don't quite remember the date) he dies in a gruesome car accident, so bad they don't even find his entire car! 

he was on his way back from a fishing trip and had a head on collision with a bus on a mountain road. bus had minimal damage, empty other than the driver, singer got crushed, he showed no signs of intoxication when they checked his blood or anything, & I don't think it'd be a visibility issue as it happened during the day.

I don't have proof, just seems like something could've been going on there???

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Reply by Leorocket126


The goverment spy us and works with criminals

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