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Browsing on Windows XP

Hello I am trying to browse the internet on windows XP. In fact I am posting this very post from Windows XP. It works great except for two problems: I cant see any images, and every time I try to load a page there is a security error I have to manually override. If anyone here know what the deal is with that tell me please.

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Reply by NosyCat


Your browser and operating system are probably too old and don't have an up-to-date list of root security certificates. That might be why images are broken, too, not sure. What browser did you even find that still runs on WinXP? I'm guessing you're doing this for lulz and nostalgia?

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Reply by Actual Acorn


(idk how to reply to comments so you might never see this)
Yeah that was the issue! The system time was set to 2009 which was probably the last time the computer was used. As for the browser, K-Meleon works great on old machines, and Firefox 3.5 was already installed. It was my grandad's old computer. He gave it to me when he heard I was into retro computing.

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Reply by necrophcodr


One of the problems you'll run into is that modern web browsers make use of more modern TLS / cryptographic standards for ensuring a secure connection to sites like this one. In some cases, sites will still allow using older (and insecure) standards, but in many cases they will not, and you'll thusly need to use a system (or web browser at least) that uses a modern TLS version.

A lot of browsers no longer support Windows XP because of the countless security issues with running an unsupported operating system, especially on the internet.

I would highly recommend not to connect to any WiFi or network connections, and to only use VERY trusted USB devices on the computer, to avoid getting infected with malware.

And hey, maybe that doesn't matter to you! That's totally fine! But an infected computer can also harm others on the internet, or your local network. So I would recommend using it to run older software, games, and other kinds of retro computing softwares (and even hardwares!). It can be a LOT of fun, but using the internet on these devices is not ideal.

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