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Posted by hope


Forum: Linguistics Group

Conlangs, or constructed languages: What do you think of them? Have you ever tried learning one? What about making one?

In high school I used to be really into conlanging. I would browse r/conlangs every day at lunch for new ideas and I loved making up phonological inventories and writing systems and admiring those made by other people. My most developed conlang that actually had a small amount of grammar written for it was called Anguḍan /hɑŋguɽɑn/. It had a three-vowel system and some simple but interesting allophony, and polysynthetic grammar, mainly inspired by Inuktitut.

I haven't worked on my conlangs in years, sadly. I don't know why, but I guess I've just lost interest. Maybe because I'm studying linguistics, so it's more of a chore now whereas it used to be a hobby.

Anyway, talk to me about conlangs (◕‿◕)

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3 Replies

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Reply by Enzelad


I love making conlangs! I have a conworld that I'm filling with quite alot of them
Playing around with phonology and grammar is really fun :) Like, I just usually create a general vibe I want the conlang to have and then go with the flow, and results are quite realistic I think

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Reply by Xander☭


i make tons of conlangs, especially ones like toki pona. i made one with 18 words once, but it wasn't very coherent. still, there's a surprising amount that you can do with very few morphemes and insanely complex grammar

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Reply by Sadurn


i have started like 3 different conlangs but unfortunately never finished any of them :( but maybe i will someday, because the process of making them is so enjoyable and rewarding!

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