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Posted by hope


Forum: Linguistics Group

Conlangs, or constructed languages: What do you think of them? Have you ever tried learning one? What about making one?

In high school I used to be really into conlanging. I would browse r/conlangs every day at lunch for new ideas and I loved making up phonological inventories and writing systems and admiring those made by other people. My most developed conlang that actually had a small amount of grammar written for it was called Anguḍan /hɑŋguɽɑn/. It had a three-vowel system and some simple but interesting allophony, and polysynthetic grammar, mainly inspired by Inuktitut.

I haven't worked on my conlangs in years, sadly. I don't know why, but I guess I've just lost interest. Maybe because I'm studying linguistics, so it's more of a chore now whereas it used to be a hobby.

Anyway, talk to me about conlangs (◕‿◕)

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Reply by Enzelad


I love making conlangs! I have a conworld that I'm filling with quite alot of them
Playing around with phonology and grammar is really fun :) Like, I just usually create a general vibe I want the conlang to have and then go with the flow, and results are quite realistic I think

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Reply by Xander☭


i make tons of conlangs, especially ones like toki pona. i made one with 18 words once, but it wasn't very coherent. still, there's a surprising amount that you can do with very few morphemes and insanely complex grammar

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Reply by Sadurn


i have started like 3 different conlangs but unfortunately never finished any of them :( but maybe i will someday, because the process of making them is so enjoyable and rewarding!

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Reply by /iːˈmɪər/


i'm currently working on a conlang for cephalopod-like people!

their phonology consists of clicks & gestures, and colors & patterns (aesthetics).

the clicks and gestures are similar to how a human would use a signed and voiced language. and, tho their aesthetics are able to be controlled, their aesthetics directly reflects their mood, so it'll be difficult to control, which will have very interesting semantic nuances that are going to be fun to tackle when it comes to poetry!

tbh, i've only started on the writing system because the thought of a writing system for a language that uses aesthetics as a lexical element intrigued me.

the history of the writing system

from the beginning, when writing still wasn't invented, they would use figures (e.g. a predator's tooth to indicate harm/fighting, a shell to indicate playfulness, a shiny rock to indicate uniqueness) to imitate a story, similar to how children use their toys to reflect their imagination. eventually, those figures would later be used to imprint marine clay that'll be intertwined with weeds, similar to jewelry, where the gem is the figure and the metal is the weed. those weed-intertwined figures later become "charms" that are used as characters for a vertical logography, where each charm is connected with more weed. at this point, writing is used ritualistically, but eventually as exploration becomes more prominent, a more convenient writing system arises. i haven't gotten to that part lol.

but yeah that's what i have so far. (i actually have many more notes, but my notes are very erratic and unintelligible... like, the way i write my notes are random unconnected ideas splatted randomly using my awful handwriting, and most of the notes are just a bunch of little random details that i can't string together into a conceivable essay).

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Reply by Nolly


I was very into a posteriori conlanging. Over the course of two years I developed a pan-Germanic conlang. At first it was very awkward and like a German Dutch English hybrid. But doing research for the conlang over time refined the conlang and made it more natural. I learned a lot about Germanic languages and proto-Germanic reconstruction by doing this, and I am very happy I did it! There were lots of little difficulties to work out, and it definitely wasn't flawless— but it was fun and productive, too.

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