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So I am considered Psycho-Spiritual!

While the name sounds a little insulting to some, "Psycho" here refers to "Psychology" and "Spiritual" stands for... well... exactly what it says.

I am a witch and have been since early childhood out of pure interest... and so I've had a long, long time to study and grow and change my beliefs and opinions... and finally... maybe it's a "opened my third eye while I was high" sorta situation... the metaphysical shit that made life barely worth living (a god that seemed to ignore me, people who abused me, prayers unanswered) all of a sudden... made sense.

So I guess people are calling this an "awakening" ... so anyone in the same boat as I am spiritually or even just interest-wise, feel free to comment and commune... SpaceHey seems relatively quiet so we should take advantage of this. :)

Blessed Be, God Bless, Alhamdulillah, whatever you believe in, do it with your whole heart.

Hope to meet some new friends and see differing perspectives!

Please no hatred or abuse toward other users. We are all humans!

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