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evrythin suckz, need adivice:///

basically my younger siblings got mad at me for blasting msi at 3 am ugh and they always call my music taste bad and gross, like no one understands me, im 28 M living in my moms bazment and love watching anime! mom says i need to go to collage soon but i dont wanna://

honestly going through alot rn... 

my mom is pissed i havent even gone outside in a week, and havent showered for a month, but i need my discord and 4chan or ill get major anxity:((((((
i recently got redit silver on one of my reddit posts RAWR!!!
 i dont have a job so i cant move out eaither, but they r gaslighting me rn!!!!!!!!! and there super toxic. like what if i dont want to go to collage. its my life://////

anyone have sugestionz?

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Reply by ANDREW☆


Reply by ✰ Alex ✰


You don't need to go to college if you don't want to, it's not something you NEED. They shouldn't pressure you into that, but I suggest to try finding hobbies that will help your mental health. Try taking a shower, listen to music while doing it. It's SO nice. Also screw your siblings they're music taste is probably shit lmao. Once you feel good, look for a job you might enjoy! 

I love working with animals and I plan to work at a pet store c: that's one thing I wanna do

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