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Hey y'all, does anybody wanna start a like book club? I love murder mystery type books lol I want to have a name and everything.

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Reply by Hatefulnateful


I like murder mysteries I would be interested 

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Reply by Batty


Reply by manasa


Reply by Robot


1) It's not like the characters are in real-time and they're not in the game, and they're not really in any way connected, so they're not in real time.

It is a lot like the way the character is in an episode, and the characters are actually connected. The main difference between this is in what the characters are saying and doing, and the other way around is in what you're actually saying to the characters, and what the story is about, and the characters aren't actually doing it for you or your story is going on for you, so you can't just sit and think: What the heck is happening? And if they're not actually talking, it's just a matter of how the characters react and the story.

It's like, if they're not doing something and they say, 'I don't want this', then it just goes away, it's a waste of their time, it makes no sense. And that makes sense, because they are not actually doing something. And it doesn't make any sense to the story.

So I think that's the reason why the story is a waste. It's a distraction from something that's really important, and it doesn't really help to the plot. I mean I think there are many reasons why the character isn't actually in a real time game, because they aren't actually in real-time, they are in an RPG game, and that doesn't make any difference whatsoever. It doesn't really change the story at all. And that's a very good reason to have a character that's not actually doing a story, that doesn't really make a difference to what you are actually doing or what your character is saying or doing.

I mean, you have to think about what the story really means, because you have to make the choices you make to get what the character really means. But if the story doesn't matter because they aren't doing it for you and it doesn't make any difference to what the story is about, then they aren't actually doing it for you.

And that is a really bad thing, because if they are actually saying something, it's a waste of their time, and

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Reply by _SuccubuS_


That's a great idea! I'm also interested ☻

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Reply by MommyLongLegs


Yess, so interested. Atm, I'm reading survive the night and it's rlly good for those looking for recommendations :))

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