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Can't change Contact or Interests heading? Please Help!

Posted by Charlie May


Forum: SpaceHey

Hello, I for the life of me cannot figure out how to get the heading on the contact and Interests section changed. I also can't change the background for the interests section. I taught myself basic CSS, but I'm not well versed enough to troubleshoot and figure out whats wrong. I use the console to find out what the divs are, and when I test them they work fine but actually putting it in my profile it doesn't work! This is what I'm using right now:

.profile .contact .heading { and .profile .table-section .heading { 
is this not what I should be using?

Here's what it looks like for reference.

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2 Replies

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Reply by Miscellanity


Unrelated. but what's the font you used?

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Reply by Charlie May


@Miscellanity sorry for reply nearly a year later T-T the font I use is called Luminari, Fantasy. It doesn't quite work on every browser/device though :(

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