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Who else experiences sleep paralysis? Also would this be paranormal?

I had an odd case of sleep paralysis, where I "woke" up and it felt like hands were touching my face. Then I tried to call for help, and it felt like the hands covered my mouth. It was scary, anyone else have crazy sleep paralysis experiences?

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Reply by Chris


I have been dealing with sleep paralysis all my life,

honestly i dont know if i would consider it paranormal, but it definitely could be
whenever i have paralysis, i always see the same figures and each time i see them theyre always trying to get me to gain their trust
they talk to me in voices of people i know, and theyre always watching with no faces
so, it maybe it is, i have no clue

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Reply by DarkLight1996


That's scary, try to ignore the voices as best as you can.

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Reply by Aurora wolf


I only experience sleep paralysis once and luckily it wasn't bad. I just had a shadow figure jump from corner to corner of my ceiling and when it did this it would shake my whole room and there was a defining boom whenever it happened. It was scary but I would much rather that than have something touch me or stand by my bed and stare at me.

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Reply by DarkLight1996


I would rather see things, instead of having things touch me every time I have it. I never see anything just feel it o.o.

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Reply by emmy꧂


i used to have sleep paralysis due to stress and paranoia. There was a spirit in my room and i dont know if these episodes were caused directly due to the spirit or my fear around its power.

currently i have chronic sleep paralysis episodes due to mental illnesses and stress, i think in some cases they can be a form of a paranormal experience but i dont know for sure. I hope your alright i know its scary being in a state where your concious but cannot move or say anything. 

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Reply by DarkLight1996


I hope your doing better yourself, yeah it is very scary when they happen.

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Reply by Leena


It sounds like you have hypnopompic sleep paralysis. I have this one as well. There are actually two types of sleep paralysis: hypnopompic and hypnogogic.

Hypnopompic = sleep paralysis occurs when waking from sleep.
Hypnogogic = sleep paralysis occurs when going from wakefulness to sleep.

People with hypnogogic sleep paralysis tend to have audio and visual hallucinations while people with hypnopompic sleep paralysis feel like they're trapped in a body that is still asleep and "feel" things touch them. It's very rare for someone to have both kinds.

For me personally it hasn't happened in a while, but when it does its always on waking up. It feels like my brain is awake and I usually know that I'm waking up, but my body for some reason is lagging for lack of a better term. Once I realize this is what's happening, I know that I'm in sleep paralysis mode and I begin trying to move. Usually this works and I'm able to jar myself awake, but while I'm in that state I feel like I can see (even though I can't) the details of the room around me only it feels like there's an extra presence and it makes me feel very vulnerable. Most times I'm able to wake myself before anything happens, but sometimes touching my feet or my hands or even sitting on me. No matter what happens, once I wake, I always wake up gasping for breath.

I hope that this helps. I kind of feel like the episodes were way worse before I knew what was happening. Once I did, I think the information stuck in my mind and helped me navigate the episodes as they happened even if it didn't make it less scary in the moment. It did definitely help to make sense of things once awake though.

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Reply by DarkLight1996


This only happened to me twice, and I am wondering if more will happen again.

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Reply by P0pps


Ive experienced sleep paralizys a few times and its always been the same thing, ive seen slenderman standing by my bed and everytime I see him he comes closer. And I dont really think u should worry :D Sleep paralisys is most of the time caused by waking up in the middle of a dream so ur mind can still like see the dream but irl cuz ur eyes woke up but ur body cant omve cuz it hasnt completely woken up yet. As an example the reason I saw slenderman was cuz i was really into creepypasta and probably dreamed of him.

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Reply by DarkLight1996


The scary thing is I did not even see the hands at tall, I just felt them which made it even more creepy for me. It legit all started after I watched my first ever Catholic mass, and I saw a shadow enter my room. I then started praying to my rosary, and I haven't seen the  shadow since. Demons come after people when they get closer to the truth.

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