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characters u think were done dirty?

what characters do u think were done dirty and why ? this could b bcuz of inadequate panel time , mischaracterization by the fandom , etc etc ...

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Reply by 1D10T_P13


i'll go furrst ! JADE HARLEY . 

this is mostly because of how the fandom treats her ... i SWEAR she would have been more popular if she was a boy >:( 

jade is a freaking nuclear scientist , the one reason the kids were able to do the scratch,  and just way smarter then the fandom gives her credit for !!! people just write her off as " silly goofy ahh girl " and do nothing else 

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i think that homestuck had way too many characters to give everyone their fair share of panel time. but probably nepeta and half of the dancestors...

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Reply by Yunnie


probably cliche, but maybe june/john egbert. like they just get beat up a lot.

also nepeta, she needed more screentime 

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Reply by Tr3ily


One of the reasons I stopped reading was because a lot of characters I liked stopped appearing and had incomplete arcs, like Tavros, Aradia, Nepeta, others I'm forgetting

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Reply by ANDREW☆


jane and jade were done so dirty in the epilogues :(

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Reply by NNY!! (°ロ°) ! ☆


im always gonna say sollux deserved better they couldve given him more meaningful dialogue or character arcs instead of killing him off over and over

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Reply by xXJunieJailbaitXx


I would say almost all of them, mainly Vriska, Jade, Jane, etc.

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Reply by CALIBORN!! X33





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Reply by Cadaverine


Anyone in the epilogues,...cough cough JANE. cough cough 

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Reply by Pokkin


Caliborn!! People shouldve been nicer to him

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Reply by noirlecrowz


oh man theres a lot... personally id say caliborn, literally half of the trolls and a bit of a personal take but most of the carapacians

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Reply by Muritt


1 F33L L1K3 J4N3 15 R34LLY UND3RR473D, WHY 15 3V3RYB0DY 54Y1N9 5H35 R4C157!!!


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Reply by pseudoScribe


definitely jade. she was always a super chill character that went on a lot of cool adventures but i don't think she had enough time to have proper interactions w other characters.

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Reply by Mae


I'm one of those people who's constantly like ah this could have been explored more and I wish those characters would have had more on screen interactions so we'd be here forever if I listed everything. 

Mainly I think Feferi didn't get enough interactions. And I personally wish Jade would have gotten to be around a bit more. Also I want good things for Sollux and Aradia and I wish they'd both gotten just a bit more focus.

As for fandom treatment I really like Jane and I don't get why so many people dislike her as much as they do.

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Reply by fork and knife


maybe its a personal bias but feferi got nowhere near enough screentime!! the reason why so many people believe her character is so bland is becuase....well, she is!! feferi as a character was barely touched upon and she was killed off before her arc even began. like we can see she has deeper motivations in the way its clear her happy persona breaks under pressure!!??? like what abt that???!?!?!? ugh anyway i feel like she would've been such an interesting character if she was given more time to grow.

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Reply by Azu


jade my girlrllll.

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Reply by kenny


probably a popular choice but feferi was done so dirty :(

she had so much potential to be an amazing character but eridan just had to kill her for being matesprits with sollux. :(( 

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Reply by disturbedSomething


Eridan Ampora cause of mischaracterization. i will die on this hill.

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Reply by 🜏Trollsen🜏



As much as this has probably been said Equius and Nepeta. I loooooove equius, that sweaty horse man but it really sucked that he just kind of y'know.  I was so excited to see him kick some ass but boy was that painful to read. Then they got brought back as sprites and Davepeta and Arquius now they couldn't even be together that made me so sad! Anyways I think the horse and cat deserved better even if they were joke characters, I am glad that we did get as many interactions that we did with them though.

-  :^]

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Tbh I think they should have given the dancestors and Ancestors more screen time, 

Especially Cronus imo, Even though yes the two sets of trolls werent supposed to be made and both were requested by the fandom so much hussie just half assed them, I just wish there was more exploration how how they truely were.

Like for Cronus, He was only shown to be they flirtatious greaser that broke boundries a bit, Which was a genaric greaser personality, Plus threre was SO much more potential to him. 

Like rufioh, kankri and Meenah got the MOST screen time out of the whole thing and it made me sad.

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Reply by ✮ quantum


honestly, i feel like the fandom mischharacterizes almost all of the hs characters! so it's hard to pick, but i think the way nepeta (and a lot of the other girls) is treated by the fandom is just.. gross. she's not an uwu cinnamon roll, she literally hunts things for fun. same with jade, she owns a GUN. i wish people would stop infantilizing them :<

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Reply by guts


everyone in the epilogues/homestuck 2.0, but definitely rose. cheating on kanaya arc?? with JADE?? stopped reading after that, because jesus christ man.

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Reply by Kirby


Reply by ectoBiologist


in just homestuck proper, vriska. her arc was completely wrapped up by the end of act 5. making her come back both in the dream bubbles and especially with the retcon obliterated her satisfying arc conclusion and destroyed her purpose with relation to the narrative.

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Reply by Valentine


Jade, Meenah (bro why'd hussie have to do that to her :sobbing loudly:), Aradia

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Reply by mur


jegbert. felt less fleshed out compared to the other beta kids.

nepeta and feferi, barely any screen time compared to the others.

the whole cast of dancestors. 2-d personalities and interests with barely any depth.

dirk. completely butchered in the epilogues and they went against everything he didn't want to be. he doesn't want to be the villainy but it seems like he was the only one analytical, intelligent, and apathetic enough to be twisted and painted into one. plus his transphobia as well. not cool.

the omega kids. had so much potential but overall just felt very bland and 2-d as well.

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Reply by ✰Jay✰


TONS of characters were fucked over in Homestuck but my topic of conversation is Equius Zahhak

I can understand why people hate/dislike Equius with the forced feelings for Aradia and the Attempted control of Nepeta but I feel like if Gamzee didn't kill him (AND NEPETA) off so soon he probably had a chance of redemption, I will not let this go

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Reply by N


i dont really know if this is super problematic or not but i think Gamzee was done really dirty, like i know that he did a lot of bad stuff and had a very toxic relationship with the other characters but i feel like the moment after he was introduced he was heavily pushed to the side, randomly became sober, and now he was just suddenly a bad guy. i just think some more time should have been spent on him, especially sense he was supposedly a really important character?? i have actually skimmed though some parts of homestuck so im not sure if i just missed something, but i feel he was done super dirty and he deserved better, esspecily with the whole Vriska situation (not saying i hate Vriska, just that its unfair to leave Gamzee hanging and give Vriska the spotlight) 

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Reply by hal


june in fandom and jake in both fandom and homestuck proper.. 

with john hes just SUCH an interesting character and a lot of the time i see her boiled down to just like.. goofy little prankster. which he is!! but a lot of people dont see that hey john egbert has issues to and it sucks i think because she's like... depressed lol. i could say a lot but i want to talk about jake too

JAKE jake so in like. in fandom its really easy to just. like. come on. 

a lot of people just kind of turn him into hot himbo which like.. i dunno. i GUESS. whatever. 

but the crux of jakes character is that he's a big fucking weenie, he's not at all the big adventurer he pretends to be. he's a nerd who reads comic books and watches movies in his 'jungle globe' all day. thats it!!! jake's putting up a front and people just... believe it! people forget everything about jake in canon beyond just 'oh hes an adventurer.'

and even in canon itself... jake was totally meant to be a joke character. which really sucks, because he does have genuine issues as well lmao. he has ridiculously low self esteem, a good amount of social inadequacy from a childhood of isolation, and at the end of the comic literally decides to isolate himself because he thinks hes the problem, and then before and during collide he's just! treated like shit! because haha look how cool and awesome vriska's being 

(tangentially, rose also puts up a front that is taken too much at face value. rose is silly. she literally did the w mustache thing. she CHOOSES to type in proper capitalisation like she puts effort into it in one of the gameFAQ panels you can see a note to herself written in ALL LOWERCASE)

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Reply by arisocto


id say feferi, jane and jake.

feferi because she has the least focus out of all the trolls, so theres no room for much insight into her character plus she was killed off as well. she made the dreambubbles, but thats about it. it wouldve been great to see more of her interactions with jade, the horrorterrors and her thoughts on her ancestor/dancestor. 

as for jane shes mischaracterized as inconsiderate and as a bad friend, but shes the complete opposite! its only when shes pushed to her limit that she snaps at roxy and even then immediately apologises.

and jake. prev comment explained it really well, but to add to that hes misrepresented in fanon as dumb, when other characters in canon are usually surprised at how perceptive he is.

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Reply by mika/jane ;-D


Jane and rose were so bad in the epilogues and I could barely finish reading the candy epilogue Bcz of how bad it was :3

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Reply by D A V E


Eridan. I feel like all he wanted was attention and someone to actually care about him

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Reply by Eurgh


I think that all of them have been done dirty. Like EVERY SINGLE ONE of the characters. A lot of people mischaracterize and some many characters dont get as much screen time or like a build on their arc. Or like idk i like the mspfa crow strider au because uh they talk about their feelings to each other at the time and they get the screen time and arc they deserve ig. Idk and the dancestors could have been more, i feel like their just mostly stereotypes and i wish like there was more about them other then that. Yeah

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Reply by fly



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Reply by Nikkiii!! <3


i honestly feel like every character in homestuck wasnt well handled, especially in the later chapters!! but i think Eridan and Vriska def got the bad end of the stick, at least when you look at the writing more so critically :( as in they were given so much to work with they just... ended up very badly written in the end. Vriska would have been an incredible character if she'd have just STAYED!! DEAD!! and eridan had so much potential for an interesting arc!! but it was all wrecked :(

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Reply by mxeggsalad


god i hate how little limelight nepeta got :( 

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Reply by evancel


totally agree with what u have to say on jade. man, i love her! 

also, i feel like john is often mischaracterized in the same/similar ways jade is. he can be a super big, snarky, asshole! he’s not JUST some silly dude! i totally don’t get it.

anyways, jade underrated. she is one of my favorite characters.

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Reply by Big CheeZe


feferi easily. i know why she had to die but still

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Reply by AdairTrashart


everyone applies for their own reason but im putting presober gamzee here i miss him
as funny as some of the post sober gamzee stuff is like the crowbar caliborn stuff he deserved way better than having dave unintentionally icp blaspheming him into sending other characters into even worse done dirtyness via death

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Reply by timaeus._.Testified


Jane was done SUUUUPERRRR dirty in the epilouges >:((((((

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Reply by kirby99


pretty much everyone, but i'll give some tangible examples:

- jade had so much potential, like people said she's a genius, she taught herself astrophysics at a really young age and is really smart, but noooo, she had to be a silly girl and she was done dirty in collide as well

- equius and nepeta, maybe i'm biased here because equius is my patron troll and nepeta reminds me of my sister but still, it would have been a great oportunity for our horse boy to cut off all that hemospectrum bullshit but nooo he had to remain as a joke character and nepeta could kill off beasts bigger than gamzee, ik he was inmortal bc of lord english but at least he could have been restrained

- roxy has been really mischaracterized by the fandom, she's way more than just a drunk girl, i mean she's literally an ectobiologist!

- absolutely everyone in the epilogues and beyond canon except for sollux because he's living my dream life fr

sometimes i'd like to think of the crow strider au as the canon ending

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Reply by Vladimir "Mint" Starcraft


Honestly all of the characters who died, even the ones who came back during the retcon. Mainly because it left so many of them with so many unanswered questions and so much potential for even just lore or other character arcs or other acts of the comic in general! This also counts characters we met who were already dead, like the dancestors, but generally all the characters that were killed off were done so so dirty.

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