How've you all 8een cele8r8ing pride this year???????? ::::0 I'm very curious!!!!!!!! Has anyone come out to any friends or family, online or in-person? Would anyone like to share their journeys to love and acceptance for themselves or others in the comments 8elow? I'd love to hear your stories whether they're ongoing or not!!!!!!!! Remem8er, no pressure to share anything you don't want to, 8ut let this 8e your safe space if you feel comforta8le. We accept all identities no matter how complic8ed in this metaphorical household. ::::)
I'll 8e posting this as a 8ulletin too for those who would rather share where family can't see for the sake of closeted friends' personal safety. If we're friends, this link should lead you to the 8ulletin. Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like to share!!!!!!!!
When the 8ulletin expires and you'd still like to share, let me know!!!!!!!! I can make a friends-only 8log post too. ::::)