Both are called the morning star in some biblical texts, both came from heaven to earth,
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Is Lucifer the same as Jesus? Could Christianity could be a Luciferian cult?
7 Replies
Reply by Ariel V
If you believe in what some early Christian sects (Gnostics) believed about “God” one may think that they may not even be opposing forces at all.. but one in the same.
Reply by Fabian Dee
I'm a bit rusty but I don't think 'Lucifer' being equated to Satan is really what the gnostic gospels are getting at, more they emphasise the symbolism with Jesus. The OT and NT never name Lucifer as Satan nor as the fallen angel, it is only modern Xtianity that does that. Also there is only one brief reference to Jesus being Son of the Morning in one place in the whole NT, to what degree that is a translation embelishment I don't know. The title Lucifer is of pagan Roman origin as you prolly know as a title for Venus not actually 'Venus' if memory serves me correctly.
Reply by Ariel V
there is Prometheus who I find to be similar to Lucifer/Satan/Devil and Jesus(or at least the Jesus described in Gnostic texts) because Prometheus was a ''light-bearer'', ''knowledge-bearer'' who brought the knowledge of fire and other things to humans freeing them from ignorance and Zeus. which is very similar to the story of the Garden of Eden with the snake giving man knowledge of good and evil and in a way freeing them from the old testament God. The snake is supposedly Satan right? Then the story of Jesus where he brings the Light/Knowledge of the Pleroma down to
human kind to free us from the Demiurge/material world. I don't know, they all sound like rebels to me or the same being/force to me, and there's other stories from other cultures as well like with Enki from Sumerian myths. Is it that far of a stretch to think they are all one in the same? I guess it is lol... I used the name Lucifer because well in the modern era today Lucifer is what most people refer to or name that cosmic force being or whatever that opposes ''God'', even if the origins of the name don't actually mean that. Anyways I was really just trying to start up some conversations to see if this group was active and to maybe attract more members lol.
Reply by Fabian Dee
by Judaism to be just a snake, albeit one that could talk! The serpent
is not equated by Jews to being the 'devil'. It is however often
interpreted by Christians as being Satan, although this is never
actually stated in the OT. Gnostics regard the serpent as being the
Gnostic Goddess Sophia, which Luciferian Gnosticism associates with
being Lucifer. Baphomet is a kabbalistic cipher for the Gnostic Goddess Sophia. Perhaps the myth of the snake being a representation of the devil was
enhanced by the legacy of Vlad III, Pinrce of Wallachia, in the 15th
Century, aka Vlad the Impaler.'
Reply by Fabian Dee
yeah it's p funny that ppl comment and then delete their profiles as they have high expectations of spacedway and the conversation in these discussions disappears, totally fucks up the groups
Reply by Ariel V
"Perhaps the myth of the snake being a representation of the devil was
enhanced by the legacy of Vlad III, Pinrce of Wallachia, in the 15th
Reply by Fabian Dee
That's a good question, lol I can't remember, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, maybe I was talking crap.