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walkmans/portable cassette players?

does anyone have any good walkman/portable cassette player suggestions? i want to get a good one that works but don't really know where to begin


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Reply by mimbo nerd


look on online marketplaces for used stuff. most of the old brand names are probably recognizable. then u see a model listed for sale and you google how good reviews it had.

myself i will probably get some panasonic one from a coworker (although earlier i was close to getting one from the marketplaces). i am prepared in mind that i will have to fix some issues with it myself despite no experience. i am afraid that a player gotten these days will need maintenance (even part replacement) from time to time, and i hope i will manage to do the things it will need done.

some people on the nets are saying that diy maintenance is a very viable thing to do so i have good hopes

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Reply by Dog Tooth


As someone who has owned and used cassettes since I was 14, I will say this.

Almost all and I mean all Portable cassette players are bad, the only good ones I would say are worth your money or time are the later models of the Sony Walkmen. 

Even then, you will need to repair or fix something eventually because they were not made to last at all. I would say use a stero cassette deck for your cassettes if you wanna listen to them properly.

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