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Vkei themed clothing/apparel brands? + accessories

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Reply by はなち


Here's a site I know, the name maybe questionable but trust me, it's got some fye shit fr: www.sexpot.jp

There's also plenty of good vkei type clothing pieces on Rakuten and Rakuma, but if u live outside Japan, you'll need to purchase through Buyee so they can ship it to u!

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Reply by ArmoredAlchemist


Some brands that have history with vkei include the already-mentioned h.NAOTO and Sex Pot Revenge, but also off the top of my head: Moi-Meme Moitie, Punk Rave, Atelier Pierrot, Atelier BOZ, Alice and the Pirates, Vivienne Westwood, and Algonquins. Princess Story has also been pretty popular with aristos lately :)

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