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Hey :) 

I am doing NaNoWriMo this year and was curious if anyone else was participating and wanted to be friends! We can share our ideas, help eachother out of writers block, and also just say hi. I could use some more writer friends :3 

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Reply by KJ Milton


Hey, what's up?

I'm doing NaNo this year! Kind of rebel-style though, because I've lifted a couple-three chapters from my prior attempt to write this novel and wordsmithed the shit out of them to fit the new one. I'm less than 100 away from cracking 40K so I'm going to finish WAY ahead of schedule. But I'm still a little worried about getting the rest of the book written because I've tried over and over since 2018 to write it and have crashed and burned. Hoping this year is THE year.

What genre do you write in?

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Reply by xHufflepunKxZebrax


(i hope i replied right cause tech hates me today lols)

Hey! Life be good! 

Writing rebel style is cool, haha! I'm just starting fresh the traditional way, but if I had a good idea that didn't suck I'd prob go rebel style. This current one is young adult fiction/realistic fiction. I love reading young adult novels, so creating one would be super cool! What genre are you working on currently?

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Reply by Robot


- I am a huge nerd, so my first reaction to a character's name or description is to laugh and then say "I don't understand". I am also an idiot, and have been in and out of the gaming industry since my highschool days, so my first thought when writing my first novel was "I'm going to write a character that is a bit of a nerd". It is also a good feeling that the character's description is more accurate and I will probably have more fun writing them later.

- It's hard to get a good sense on how to make the character feel, especially if the story is a little bit weird and you are writing a lot of the time, so if you have a character who's a bit like you, then the character is going to be very interesting, but I don't think it's the right character for you.

- I am not a big fan of "the good guys", so I don't think it will work.

- It is hard to get a feel for the characters and their personality, so it might work for a bit more. If I have a good sense of the story then I'll be happy, but not a lot is really known about this world, so I'm not going anywhere with it.

If there is a way to get an understanding for how the character is meant to feel and how the character is meant to interact with others (i.e. how the story is set), then this would work for the story, as it is the story of a world where you're the main characters, and not just one character.

I hope to have more of this in my life. If you have any comments, questions or ideas on the topic, feel free to leave your comments and I'll get to it.

- I hope you guys enjoy my novel. I will be posting more and more information on my website soon so if you have anything that you'd love to know I can help out!

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