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getting started w/ a small business

So recently my parents decided i need to make my own money and start paying for a portion of my phone bill and all of my Band fees and have been pushing me to start a small business. As much as i want to do this it just makes me anxious on how to start, And my consequence would be not being able to have a phone or anything i cant pay for, I dont know what to do to start up this idea and i feel like i cant make sells quick enough. Is there any help i could recive from anyone?

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11 Replies

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Reply by HBO Max


With a vast library of unique content, HBO Max stands out as a premier platform in the rapidly evolving streaming services market. It's easy to access HBO Max on your TV and it brings up a world of entertainment.

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Reply by Easysmmpanel260


A social media marketing panel or service that targets the Indian market exclusively is referred to as a https://smmpakpanel.com/  panels provide a range of social media marketing options catered to Indian consumers' and companies' needs.

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Reply by Easysmmpanel260


A social media marketing panel or service that targets the Indian market exclusively is referred to as a https://smmpakpanel.com/ These panels provide a range of social media marketing options catered to Indian consumers' and companies' needs.

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Reply by AlexRodriges2020


In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, I embarked on my small business journey, driven by passion and innovation. Struggling to create a unique brand identity, I stumbled upon an ico to png converter online. With its magic touch, my logo transformed, capturing the essence of my vision. Embracing the digital era, I launched my venture, armed with a captivating logo and boundless enthusiasm, ready to conquer the market one pixel at a time.

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Reply by JhonROy038


Starting your own small business can be both exciting and daunting, especially when there are financial responsibilities involved like paying for your phone bill and band fees. It's natural to feel anxious about how to get started and ensure you can cover these expenses. Here are some steps and advice to help you on your journey:

1. Identify Your Passion and Skills: Consider what you are passionate about and what skills or talents you possess. Starting a business that aligns with your interests and strengths will not only make the process more enjoyable but also increase your chances of success.

2. Research Your Market: Before you launch your business, research your target market. Understand your potential customers' needs, preferences, and buying habits. This will help you tailor your products or services to meet their demands.

3. Start Small: You don't need a massive investment to start a small business. Begin with what you have, whether it's a particular skill, a unique product idea, or a service you can offer. Many successful entrepreneurs started small and gradually expanded their businesses.

4. Create a Business Plan: Develop a simple business plan outlining your business concept, goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-thought-out plan will provide you with a roadmap to follow and help you stay organized.

5. Online Presence: In today's digital age, having an online presence is crucial. Consider creating a website or using social media platforms to promote your products or services. You can also explore online marketplaces to reach a broader audience.

6. Seek Guidance: Don't hesitate to seek guidance and advice from experienced entrepreneurs, mentors, or local business associations. They can offer valuable insights, connect you with resources, and provide support.

Now, regarding your mention of "Kipas Guys" game, if this is an idea you're considering for your business, it's essential to understand the gaming industry and how to monetize it. Consider the following:

7. Research the Gaming Market: Understand the gaming market, including popular genres, platforms, and monetization strategies such as in-app purchases, ads, or premium content.

8. Develop a Unique Concept: If "Kipas Guys" is a game idea, work on developing a unique and engaging concept that sets your game apart from others in the market.

9. Collaborate: Consider collaborating with experienced game developers or joining forums and communities where you can exchange ideas and get feedback on your game concept.

10. Marketing and Monetization: Once the game is ready, focus on marketing strategies to attract players. Explore different monetization options to generate revenue, which can contribute to covering your financial responsibilities.

Remember, starting a business takes time and effort, and it's okay to encounter challenges along the way. The key is to stay persistent, adapt to feedback and market changes, and keep working toward your goals. With determination and the right strategies, you can build a successful small business and meet your financial responsibilities.

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Reply by Rodolfo Ballard


Handling a business is a process that requires profound knowledge and dignity in the area of the field you are working in. It's not only about selling products to customers but also about the backend processes that support your business. One of such processes is managing your taxes check if a business is vat registered since it is important to maintain accurate records for your sales and expenses. When I realized the need to take my business online, I knew I had to find a reliable solution to help me manage my taxes efficiently. After researching various sources, I came across LOVAT, a comprehensive online tax service that offers a range of features including the ability to calculate taxes, stay compliant with government regulations and file tax returns seamlessly. I can easily upload my sales data, track expenses and generate tax reports in a few clicks, all thanks to the LOVAT service. It's a user-friendly platform that has helped me streamline my tax management system.

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Reply by Ethan Lewis


Definieren Sie Ihre Geschäftsidee: Bestimmen Sie, welche Art von Unternehmen Sie gründen möchten. Identifizieren Sie Ihren Zielmarkt, die Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, die Sie anbieten, und was Ihr Unternehmen von der Konkurrenz unterscheidet.

Führen Sie Marktforschung durch: Erforschen Sie Ihre Branche und Ihren Zielmarkt, um Kundenbedürfnisse, Markttrends und Wettbewerb zu verstehen. Diese Informationen helfen Ihnen, Ihre Geschäftsidee zu verfeinern und effektive Strategien zu entwickeln.https://nachrichtenmorgen.de/

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Reply by Ethan Lewis


Definieren Sie Ihre Geschäftsidee: Bestimmen Sie, welche Art von Unternehmen Sie gründen möchten. Identifizieren Sie Ihren Zielmarkt, die Produkte oder Dienstleistungen, die Sie anbieten, und was Ihr Unternehmen von der Konkurrenz unterscheidet.

Führen Sie Marktforschung durch: Erforschen Sie Ihre Branche und Ihren Zielmarkt, um Kundenbedürfnisse, Markttrends und Wettbewerb zu verstehen. Diese Informationen helfen Ihnen, Ihre Geschäftsidee zu verfeinern und effektive Strategien zu entwickeln. https://nachrichtenmorgen.de/

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Reply by Tonywilliams


Finding your niche is step one in beginning a small business. Is the company you have to work for growing rapidly or is it barely holding on? Focusing on sales and market research is important for a company experiencing rapid expansion, whereas prioritising customer service is more pressing for a small company experiencing difficulty. If you're trying to expand your current little firm into a major enterprise, look at this site which is the single most helpful tool you can find.

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Reply by elizabetronny


Running a business is always difficult and full of challenges. Therefore, I would like to advise you to use modern tools. For example, this development distance matrix will help optimize logistics. This is the best way to save a lot of money and improve your service.

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Reply by Luсio


People who actively promote their Instagram account are chasing a large number of followers and likes on the photos and videos they post.  If you regularly update your profile, but your posts are not very popular, you can buy likes on Instagram https://soclikes.com/buy-instagram-likes. I think you should like it))). 

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