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books to read

books i recommend/ want to read!


uglies series/ westerfield- absolute favorite series of all time. dystopian future where at 16 you get a surgery to be pretty and go live in pretty town. but is your appearance all that's changed? three books in total, (and he wrote more!) i promise you wont be able to set it down.

life as we knew it- comet hits the moon, very bad. volcanoes erupt, tsunamis, famine, all through the diary of a teenage girl. another one of my all time faves. re-read in college and still hits.

1984- havent finished but very good so far. main character is flawed similar to american psycho, i kind of hate him but the world building is amazing. excited to finish it and ill update.

maximum ride series- group of kids were raised in a lab and expirimented on and escape, theyre like a mini family on the run. oh and they have wings. very good read. looking to find and re-read soon.

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Reply by Sofie


1984 is so good! The end is for sure a mindfuck

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