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Need Advice (TW)

Before you read, trigger warning for sh.

So I’ve been clean for about 3 months, and I have scars on my legs that just wont lighten. I have to go swimming soon, and I’m worried because my parents will see them, and that’ll be a whole mess. I’ve tried to use lotion to see if it would help, but it didn’t do much. I don’t have waterproof makeup either, nor will I be able to go to the store to get some, so I need advice on what to do. If theres any alternatives to that or if I should tell my dad?

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Reply by ♱Sunshine♱


Hi, first of: Congratulations on being 3 months clean! I wish you the best and hope things will get better for you.

As for the swimming situation: Maybe you can find some long swimming shorts? 
I guess it depends on how much of your leg is affected. But I'm sure there are some shorts that are almost knee length. 
I can also think of these neoprene compression suits for swimming. I think they are available in a "shorts version" too. 

Sports tape is another thing coming to mind. Though I'm not sure how to apply that stuff in a way that it looks authentic and still hides parts of your skin effectively. (Also I'm not sure how waterproof that stuff is) 

Talking to your parents about it will probably happen sooner or later (talking out of own experience here), and thats an important step to take, but doing so when you are comfortable enough to talk about it could possibly spare you some arguments. 

It's been a while since you posted this so if you already went on your swimming trip, then I hope it went well!

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Reply by saudade


idk if this can help but, to lighten my first scars I ran the razor over them, as if I were shaving my legs

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Reply by Jessica Snow


Never be ashamed of the things your body goes through while you're recovering from anything toxic.

Those marks and lines are badges of accomplishment. I'm not just saying this because there's no real natural way to get rid of marks and such like that, but because it's absolutely true.
Look at all you've overcome. You're gorgeous. :)

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