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Male manipulator music¿?

Posted by Finn_sucks


Forum: Music

Hay so I've been rl into male manipulator music and a wrote my first song which is exciting as I've wanted to experiment with making music for a while.

So I've written my lyrics but idk how to make actual music as I can't play the guitar and my ukalele broke[like the neck snapped of the body very sad L] so idk what to do.

I'm thinking I'll start messing around with a guitar at school and hope for the best [since mmm is supposed to sound bad] I'm sure I'll be fine.

What do u think :o) 

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Reply by j4cki3


male manipulator music??? Like Yeat, bladee, deftones type beat?

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Reply by colonopenbracket


car seat headrest

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Reply by teagan


tame impala 

idk why they just give those vibes

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