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Favorite Horror Media + Recommendations?

So, personally, I love horror media (things other than horror movies, like horror shows, unsettling shows, etc.), and personally I have a few favorites like The Walten Files or FNAF VHS tapes since I can't find a lot of recognizable horror media (unless I just ain't looking hard enough), so could anyone also recommend any new pieces of horror media? They can be older pieces or newer pieces of horror media, but I want to expand my view on horror. But now for the main question:

What is your favorite piece of horror media?

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I always recommend the book House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski!!! Super cool book. Absolutely terrifying.

I also Love the original Ringu, The Thing (1982), and An American Werewolf In London!!!

As for web series, Marble Hornets is a CLASSIC.

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Reply by tyler✩тайлер


if you like analogue horror at all id highly suggest the mendala catalogue and the walten files! great shortish videos that scare me a ton but still a good watch! their both free on youtube

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