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Sarah Lynn-Bojack opinion?

Posted by maj


Forum: Bojack Horseman Group

so a lot of people blame bojack for Sarah Lynns death but I think she was going to relapse either way. she had liquor bottles ready for consumption and coke in her walls so to me it seemed like she was just waiting on a good excuse to fall back into her old habits. also when they were on the phone bojack was only talking about partying he never said anything about drugs thats what Sarah Lynn assumed. bojack should've been more supportive as a friend I agree but I dont think he is guilty. 

what do u think? 

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Reply by Elizabeth


In the case of sarah lynn I think its so hard to put the blame on one person. Every since she was a kid she was never around anyone who wanted what was best for her, she was used and let down her entire life. Whether it be by her mom and step dad or being pushed into the spotlight way to young her life was nothing but tragedy with Bojack there or not. However thats just my opinion I love hearing everybodys thoughts. 

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