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Long distance is difficult but when you find the right person it is so worth it and somehow, easier and harder. My boyfriend goes above and beyond to comfort me and make sure that I feel secure. Distance from somebody you love so so much is so hard. its easy in the sense that the right partner will make sure that you arent worrying or they will make sure you feel just as loved. But it's hard in the sense that no matter what you will still have that distance until you can get together. Even though the distance is hard I honestly feel like because of it we've learned to appreciate the small things.

We find cute apps we can use or play to have some sort of connection, we talk all the time, we make ocs and come up with cute activities to do with each other. 
He is a huge part of my life, I love him with everything in me, and he makes sure to make me know I'm equally as important in his life.
He is so pretty too. He's got such a lovely smile, and his laugh is to die for. He brings me so much joy. If we can love each other while so far away, imagine what it'll be like when we are together. I'm so excited for a future with him. He is my favorite part of every day. <3 mein mond.

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Reply by j4cki3


I agree that LDR can work out for some people, but I think you have to sacrifice a lot for the relationship to work. For example you have to adapt to not being able to see them in person. This is especially hard for someone whose primary love language is physical touch. I know relationships of any sort take a lot of sacrifice, hard work and dedication, but I think LDRs are even more time consuming and and hard to navigate, especially when that adaptation to not being able to see them face to face is not working out. Hats off to anyone who can survive ldr but it’s just not for me .. 

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Reply by kmbrly.ie


LDR are hard, I don't think I could do it. We're planning on breaking up when he moves away. I'm going uni and he's leaving the country

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