Well okay then lol
Topic: Outkasts
Reply by Geebez, The Nocturnal Scribe
Reply by Koala
Haha Parker. Hi!
Still hilarious to me that only guys have whipped 'em out so far.
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
"Whoops, I accidentally had on this sexy umpire costume and everything popped out."
Anyway, what's up, Becks?
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Yeah okay, that's how I read it the first time but then I was like WAAAIIIITTTT haha
Reply by Steve Raines
Mornin fellow cast-outs.
I missed Whip-It-Out Wednesday.
But I'm here for Pelvic-Thrust Thursday!
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Koala
Heyyy! My fuzzy behind was in the ocean. :D Now I'm making poor decisions and shoving a bunch of food and beer in my face. 'Sup, Becks?
Reply by Koala
Aww I wish you were here! I'm sooo tired but having such a great time. I think we might swim again in a couple hours. Thom saw either a shark or a dolphin in between us and the shore when we were swimming this morning, so that was a bit startling. O_O But nothing has eaten us yet, as you probably noticed. There were also a buttload of jellyfish in the water yesterday but better today. I'm always the one who gets stung so it's probably a miracle that I didn't. Hopefully I didn't tell you all of this already, haha.
Reply by Koala
Reply by Steve Raines
Mornin fellow cast-outs.
Got an unusually early day today. Got my morning tea. Lipton Green Tea w/ Citrus.
Now let's see how shitty today can be.
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
BECKS? You really just going to leave my awkward comments hanging like this? >:0
Reply by Koala
Reply by Steve Raines
Mornin fellow cast-outs.
Hope all is good with you. Just been working and recording gameplay here. Nothing overly exciting.
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Mornin Frank & Brooke.
Hey. This is 3 days in a row!
Unfortunately I'm only up because I woke up at 5 coughing and have been coughing every 10 minutes or so since... Gotta go get some Fishermen's Friends once stores open.
Reply by Steve Raines
Mornin cast-outs
Frank, I was feeling better. Then a few days ago one of the assiciates at work came up to me, stood about six inches from my face and told me he hadn't been feeling well since the morning and needed to go home. The next day my dry cough came back and now I'm sitting here typing this with a sore throat starting...
Reply by Koala
Reply by Koala
Oh I started frantically looking around for where the duck had posted. Took me a minute to find it, haha.
Reply by Koala
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
LOL Chloe
I never left. I was just not on as much. I did beat Violet but I'm not done with it. It has a massive post-game. And I'm probably gonna start a new file with different mons to travel across the land.
My weekend was surprisingly ok. Black Friday was mild for Black Friday and today was just an average busy day.
How was your Thanksgiving & weekend?
Reply by Steve Raines
It does stay pretty crazy. But yeah, no tramplings. Though there was that shooting in VA.
Reply by Steve Raines
/puts on scuba gear
/Dives wondering wtf I'm even in an ocean for.
I'm now in an evironment surrounded by animals that want to either hurt me for no reason, or eat me... Just like any time I leave my house...
Reply by Steve Raines
Mornin Frank
lol no. I meant literally everything else in the water, from the coral to the Megaladon. lol
What were the tables and banners set for?
Reply by Steve Raines
Hi Brooke. It has been a while. How's life?
Hi Beccs
/Refrains from whipping anything out
Reply by Steve Raines
Well I woke up. So pretty terrible. lol
Nah. Things are ok. Just busy. I hate it.
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
Oh ok. Did you find your contact?
Yeah. Not a lot of people have replies to my game posts.
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
I live in southwest MA.
We got our first snow yesterday. Weatherpeople initially said 1-3 inches of light snow. We got 5 to 6 of wet snow with a thin layer of slush underneath that froze overnight. Luckilly I thought to shovel my driveway when I got home from work last night. So this morning I only had a couple inches to shovel and minimal ice. So clean-up was quick before work today.
How are your animals handling the cold?
Reply by Steve Raines
In that path. My city was in the the bull's eye of it. And it stalled out over us as the temp dropped, causing added accumulation.
It really was not a lot. Just "a lot more" than the weatherpeople predicted. They made it sound like it was gonna just be a thin coating.
My driveway is roughly 75 to 80 feet. My mom, and brother in law were both able to fit in it with my car too, with ease. I got the whole thing done in about an hour after work last night, then this morning before work, it only took a half hour. But that includes cleaning off and de-icing my car lol
I wish it'd hit the 50s. Not in New England lol Least not til global warming intensifies. 🤷
Aw. That's cool though. What were you singing to them?
Reply by Steve Raines
Reply by Steve Raines
/whips it out
//Walks around thread with waffles with extra cool whip looking fir a seat
Morning all
Reply by Steve Raines
What are you two talking about? My pants are up. I "whiped out" my waffles with Cool Whip. ... Pervs