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Suggestion: Setting to make profile only visible to members

Posted by ThatLionLoser


Forum: SpaceHey

So, I think it's wonderful that Spacehey has private profiles! I'm in a bit of a bind, though. I think looking at profiles is a great way to get to know someone a bit before adding them. That isn't possible with my profile set to private, but making my profile public is too public.

Would it be possible to implement a setting so users can choose to hide their profile from guests, while still keeping it visible to logged-in users? Is there any interest in something like that?

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


Given that anyone can sign up in less than two minutes, it seems like it would be a lot of work to implement and would result in very little practical change. I don't doubt that it would be possible, just that it would be like trying to hide yourself under a transparent shower curtain

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Reply by NosyCat


You still couldn't share the link outside SpaceHey, which would limit harassment. And the distance between clicking a link and having to make an account, no matter how quick and easy it is, might as well be sky-high. Psych 101. I don't need it, but it could improve privacy even more.

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Reply by ThatLionLoser


NosyCat: I didn't consider that a feature like this could help prevent harassment! That's a good point.

EngiQu33ring: That's definitely a solid point too - although, my wishes for a feature like this stem from not wanting my profile cached on search engines and web archiving services. :P It's not the end of the world if that happens, as I ultimately don't share anything super personal on here (and could make my account private if I did), but being able to prevent that from happening would be a small comfort.

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