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is eating communal wafers cannibalism

if the communal wafer are supposed to be the body of christ and the wine is the blood of christ, if we eat/drink those, would we be eating jesus? and would that be cannibalism? is jesus human? and since we are eating jesus, does his power and influence decrease with the longer/more people eating communal wafer. and if not, why? is jesus infinite? since we are also drinking his blood, are we vampires? how can you tell which communion wafer represent which part of jesus???? is it jsut a mini jesus in a cracker shape? or is it one part of his body? if the latter, do you think that anyone has accidentally (or purposefully) eaten his dick . post tweet.

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Reply by Nexus_Retrograde


The communal wafers represent Christ because he told the disciples to remember him whenever they consume food. It’s not literal of course, taking most Christian traditions literally is silly, I’m not even a Christian and I know that.

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Reply by Iamthewalrus


Protestant POV:
It's symbolic. It's no more cannibalism than eating a gingerbread man.

Catholic POV:
It's literal transubstantiation. Jesus becomes the wafer & wine. 

I'd need a Catholic to explain to me then how it isn't.

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Reply by Raven Soulifer


Former Catholic. I always thought of it as a symbolism thing but that the priest calls down the energy of God into the wafer and wine. Therefore "becoming" the wafer and wine.

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Reply by annie


hiii i grew up catholic, heres what ive come to understand abt transubstantiation. when you receive the body and blood of christ you believe that he is fully present in the eucharist. then we have to look at the definition of transubstantiation which is "transformation of the substance" aka transformation of the essence. this means that you are receiving Jesus' essence in the form of a diff substance, yk? 

the whole thing abt catholics being cannibals can actually be traced back all the way to Marks community (abt 30 yrs after Jesus' death). it was written in Jewish or Roman (i cant exactly remember) records that members of the way (christians) were cannibals bc they didn't learn what they meant by transubstantiation.

so theres a little history lesson too

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Reply by annie


the thing abt transubstantiation is actually unique to only some christian denominations (maybe only catholics im not rlly sure tho)

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