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i need advice pls :,)

Posted by starboy2007


Forum: C's Safe Space <3 Group

i really don´t know how to start this so i think i´ll give you guys some context

i´m a socially akward neurodivergent minor with problems to get along with people because i´m either too loud or too quiet.

during the first half of the pandemic i downloaded discord and maked an account because i felt really isolated and i found easier to make friends via online; after a couple days without adding anyone i made a couple of friends and got close to them really fast, for the matter of privacy we are going to call them ¨Rick¨, ¨Alice¨ and ¨Seth¨.

Alice and I have romantic feelings for eachother but uor relationship isn´t approved by either Rick nor Seth (this is because Alice had some explosive behaviors, she is also a little bit ¨inaproppiate¨with her talks but she will stop if you ask her) and this isn´t a suspicion, they have made it clear since the beginning. Alice comes from a really bad late relationship and destructive behaviors but she is currently going to therapy so i may say she is recovering and doing better

but even with all of her efforts that doesn´t seem to be enough for them
I really like alice and i would be completely delightfull to be in a relationship with her but i also hate drama i would hate to be the reason for my friend group to fracture more 

soooooooooooooooooooooooooo any advice(?

-- Kris Cryptidman

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