![This piece of trash transparent floating handle door](https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sFHGg1nfSZvkPnV39upghaqcjsHa3JTue2hBp2G7CjDo=/https://previews.123rf.com/images/ngstock/ngstock1704/ngstock170400078/77668481-cierre-de-puertas-de-cristal-en-la-sala-de-oficina-con-puertas-de-acero-inoxidable.jpg)
This was long ago and I don't care, but it kept me thinking; what's even the point of glass doors? It doesn't protect well, not as much as a regular door anyway. They're usually very fragile, so not for safety. Usually messes with the temperature as most of these don't isolate well with the gaps and all. Birds and people walk into them all the time. Other than natural light and aesthetics (debatable as well, btw), I don't see why people put these doors everywhere. Why are they so goddamn common? Has anyone else have problems with these types of doors?
And don't get me started on sliding or *shudders* revolving doors. Another story for another time.