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Opinions on expensive clothing and shipping? How much is too much?

Posted by Mo0nl19ht


Forum: ☆Fashionistas☆ Group

So, i live in Finland and the shipping to here from some places is REALLY expensive, so i was looking at some stuff from vampirefreaks because it was recommended in the best online stores (Thanks @Danni !:))  And i've heard of them before and their quality is supposed to be really good so i wanted to order this sweatshirt that costs about 43,95€ (46,20$), but the shipping to Finland is about 20€ (21,02$). So the total would be 63,95€ (67,18$). So, for a good quality sweatshirt do you think it's too much? You can't really get this kind of clothing anywhere where i live, like seriously the stores here don't even sell basic sweatshirts! 

So, what are your opinions on more expensive clothing and how much do you think is too much for shipping? 

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Reply by Danni


I had the same problem, when I was in my goth phase a lot of the stores I went to where from England and I'm from the states so shipping was crazy, I kinda get it bc it's over seas and sadly I don't think there's a cheaper way, I mean there is but it's very inhumane *cough cough* Amazon, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet you know 

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Reply by Cinnabunie


If it's something totally unique and can't be find in Europe, I don't think there's a limit. It's an *investment* :D But usually when I have this problem I try to find something similar from a closer country, that's a part of the EU, or to find the item 2nd hand (works only when it's not that new). 

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