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Can you still be a furry without a sona??

I have a character with animal traits and i take interest in anthropomorphic animals but i don't have a sona of one myself?? am i still furry or is there like a different term for that??

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Reply by NosyCat


A character with animal traits sounds like a 'sona to me. ;)

Seriously, no, you don't need one right now, or ever. You can be a furry without it. If one day you come up with something, or a friend does for you, great! No need to force the issue.

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Reply by Corvid



No you dont! :) just enjoying the fandom and artwork is enough! even just the label can be enough!

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Reply by mae


yee i'm pretty sure the definition of a furry is just anyone who likes and/or identifies with anthro animals/other critters so you're good

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Reply by niki:3ta



U don't need one,im also a furry without one.

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Reply by Z●ch¡ <3


Ofcourse!! All you need to do to be a furry is have fun in the community!

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Reply by Kristi


there's a common misconception that furry=fursona. furry is a subculture, and most furries have fursonas to represent themselves online, but if you don't then its perfectly fine!

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Reply by mibwu


nah i dont think so!! i have plenty of furry ocs and ive tried making fursonas in the past but none of them really connected with me xP i have a main oc that most connects but i personally don’t consider her a sona bc she has her own personality and life going on =3

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